if you're British, maps.nls.uk is fascinating for seeing places evolve over time
According to the lineups he was playing at right wing-back so I guess given there's a right back and right mid or wing it somewhat makes sense
Cronyism is a symptom of any (not even the) class system, not capitalism. Those with power (ie those charged with administration/lawmaking under communism, those in power/with sufficient capital under capitalism) abuse their power to give more power to their friends and those like them. The only cure is openness and transparency in book-keeping and policy-making, but that's not an economic ideology but a political one.
It wasn't, however the association with Great Britain is undeniable, especially when Lesser Britain doesn't even refer to Ireland any more (in Roman times it did), but Brittany, however "British Isles" was in use by the Greeks (at least Prettanic Isles) before even that - well before the union of England and Scotland, never mind Ireland's conquest.
Personally I'm happy with Atlantic Isles/Islands/Archipelago as I agree the term isn't great due to the implicit association, but it's not like it was something just made up by colonists.
It does, especially given the name predates the country by 2-3 thousand years; it's not exactly optimal but in reality "These Islands" is the only alternative and something is needed to refer to them from outside the islands.
Dependant on location of course
Do your research - if you have native small cats and few large predators (ie Europe, North Africa) it's probably fine. If you don't (ie Australia, America) then it's definitely not
Oh yeah I absolutely agree with monopoly abuse being a bad thing with a huge caveat that it's so much worse for essential services and not quite as bad for extras, like youtube. I personally can't see any competition to youtube being able to provide a better service - it's in a similar niche to Netflix where they were great until they got competition at which point the userbase and content fragmented, which meant they had to provide a worse service to make money as the content rights agreements made it into several small monopolies and so they were literally unable to compete, which is frankly worse
Sorry but who tf wants to stop population decline?
I mean OCaml... But the issue is more the monkeys bashing out the language wanting to A. set a type for their exported function and B. know what type whatever function they're using is supposed to take so it doesn't randomly break as they gave it some random type that was formerly compatible
proper joint for knees and elbows
How about we perfect the joints we've got by having ankles which don't just give way if you stand on a funny shaped rock or similar?
Except frozen peas
Good quality frozen peas are heavenly, most store brand bags taste like nothing and are somehow dry even if cooked in water
No - there's fuses in the plugs themselves, the switch is largely for convenience and safety - if you want to unplug something broken and potentially live, it's much safer to switch it off at the wall than risk a shock given the current limit is on the breaker is so high