[-] 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de 44 points 1 month ago

Gradle is pretty awful actually, I’ve had to deal with it for years when I was writing Java. It’s pretty much the #1 reason I’ve stopped doing anything Java related.

Meson is the well designed option for C family languages. It also has support for Java, Rust, Swift, and a couple other languages. C is the most well supported though I think.

It also has a built-in dependency downloader that respects the system installed packages (and therefore distro packagers).

[-] 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de 39 points 2 months ago

Since you use UEFI, you don’t have to use GRUB. It basically consists 90% of cruft left over that was needed for BIOS boot, and has a lot of moving parts and bad design (such as a single config file which has to be shared between OSes, which is so complex it needs a generator for it).

Try systemd-boot, it’s lightweight and well designed.

Anyway, looks like the target parameter is default now, the “esp” in the arch command is supposed to be substituted for the ESP path, for example /efi, so the only difference is bootloader-id. Which looks like that’s the label that show up in your UEFI setup for the boot entry.

[-] 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de 35 points 3 months ago

1366x768? Where are they supposed to fit all that whitespace at such a small resolution?

[-] 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de 38 points 6 months ago

The more they get regulated, the better their stuff becomes*. It's wild that people are on the side of Apple for a lot of this stuff, most prominently probably with third party app stores supposedly "decreasing security".

Sent from my MacBook :^)

* At least when it comes to consumer rights regulations. I'm still mad about China demanding they remove the option to accept AirDrop from everyone without a time limit on iPhones and Apple then implementing that restriction globally for whatever godforsaken reason.

[-] 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de 35 points 7 months ago

RIP President Twin Towers. Never froget

[-] 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de 41 points 8 months ago

This is exactly what OpenAI etc. wanted to achieve with all the “AI safety” bullshit doomer talk. I really hope this doesn’t pass

[-] 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de 33 points 10 months ago

You wouldn’t have Wayland if it weren’t for WONTFIX, ya daft cunts.

Bit rich to say that considering the reason most very useful and well written Wayland protocol proposals that would get it up to par with X11 are rejected is because Gnome vetoes it since it doesn't match their vision for the Gnome desktop

[-] 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de 32 points 11 months ago

Ok boomer. If trans people want to "make themselves God", I support that. Whatever that is supposed to mean anyway.

[-] 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de 33 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Some that haven't been mentioned yet:

  • Behind The Overlay (removes simple login banners/paywalls/anything that blocks the content)
  • Don't Fuck With Paste (for those sites that think it's fun to override or even disable copy and/or paste)
  • ~~Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey~~ Violentmonkey
[-] 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de 48 points 1 year ago

Didn't even lose her license from what it reads like. That's crazy. These kinds of people are dangerous.

[-] 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de 32 points 1 year ago

Yes. This is the new "visual programming will make executives be able to write programs themselves" but this time the technology (assuming OP means LLMs since both the ones in his image post seem to be LLMs) is completely unsuitable from the start.

[-] 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de 47 points 2 years ago

I use Pipewire now but Pulseaudio is (and has been for years) better than both the Windows and Mac audio stack. It may have been bad once (yes, I remember the days of having to start Wine with some pulse env var so the audio doesn't crackle) but nowadays it doesn't deserve the level of hate it still gets.

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