I was talking about Telegram. Syncing messages between devices has always been possible on Signal, just not the ones from before you connected the extra device.
Do you have some public code you could link to that you’re having this issue with? There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for Rc/RefCell, I think.
The massive difference between AirTags and this is that AirTags (and the whole Find My network, it’s not only AirTags after all) actually provide a useful service to each participant, namely locating their things if they get lost somewhere. This does effectively nothing for you and will only ever fuck over other people (you could argue rightfully so, but still) and provides no value to anyone other than the police.
For files, you should use an editor that supports it (e.g. Kate via admin:// paths). You should not run GUI programs as root.
I know of https://github.com/CrystalVulpine/saidit. Unfortunately the site (saidit.net) is full of right-wing/conspiracy bullshit, at least last I checked.
Really? Nextcloud has been pretty set-and-forget for me.
Yup. Chatbots can in every case be replaced by a knowledgebase articles/a wiki, and a self-service portal. Give me those and a support email in case I do need to speak with a real person. I don't under any circumstances want to talk with a chatbot.
Signal is much more polished and less fragile than Matrix, but is pretty barebones especially in terms of features for large communities. Matrix additionally has a browser client and many non-Electron desktop clients. It's really close and depends on the use case imo. For personal messages I think I prefer Signal, for communities Matrix.
I haven't used Threema.