…and my AXE!
We have a loose cannon in the white house, sure. But let's not forget all the congreessmen and senators either, agreeing with his policies. Trump isn't doing this stupid shit alone. All of Murca and 19% of Canadians are behind him.
It's time to turn away from them and look elsewhere. That time is now. We can't afford to wait this out.
In Mother Russia, the rich eat the poor.
We could pay for this easily with an end to corporate welfare.
They're welcome to operate here, and pretty much always have been. Originally, VP Krasnov said amongst other things like fentanyl, we have to "open up" our banking. This I read as "deregulate" our banking to allow more risky, predatory, and derivative practices which served to crash Murca in '08, making a ton of money for those involved in the ~~bailout~~ welfare payments.
The pesky first amendment only applies where VP Krasnov says it does, comrade. Rules for thee, not for he.
We should all be calling him by his real name, "VP Krasnov".
ETA: and "Murca" is now glorious "KRASNOVIA"
Yes, he's banned from running charities. But not just him. His whole family is banned because they were all in on it.
Surely VP Krasnov is not a bad actor, comrade?
Can confirm. Am Albertan.
Dani has a lot of work ahead of her to earn my vote. It's not the 'job' she's used to doing. Poilievre can pound sand, too.
"I know what will fix this! Tax breaks and corporate welfare! Steal from the 99 and give to the 1!" ~Lil pp