Damn. They're just trying to wreck shit

Cinnamon almost exclusively. But sometimes plasma.

You don't. We live in the wonderful age of keyboard predictions where you type. Comm and community and communities both pop up as options. You'd have to take extra steps to get it any shorter.

Unless, like anyone with sense, you just type c/ or c/s and have done with it :)

Aether itself. Moderation by the masses is just going to end up a cesspool

I gotta be honest, that sounds like crap. It's a recipe for a race to the bottom

And, if it isn't maintained, it might as well not exist. Trying to fuck around with it would just take the lemmy team's time away from their progress as they move forward with their intended plans.

Whoa, whoa, we can't have effortposting like this, you'll screw the grading curve for the rest of us

It's coming along nicely so far. I can't say that it's got enough users yet to reach critical mass to displace discord, but it has the potential to

Yeah. You can block the bot, and it takes care of all of it. I've got it blocked and haven't seen anything from it in days now.

Overall, probably strawberry rhubarb, despite the fact that I'm otherwise not a big strawberry fan.

However, I make lemon meringue pie from scratch every now and then, and my lemon meringue pie is my favorite pie of all. I've gotten my crust recipe dialed in, and I've gotten my curd making tuned for exactly the right consistency. After I got mine down, I don't like other people's as much as I used to.

But key lime pie? It isn't my favorite, but damn is it good :)

I mean, the limits of the human body are fairly fixed in terms of what we can do with them. And, you're better off just slightly tweaking things. Like, my arthritis, I'd want to dial back the inflammation and immune response for, but if you cut those back too much, it hinders other things.

I'd definitely regulate the bowels though, make sure things stayed regular and smooth, as much as possible. IBS is a pain in the ass, so being able to adjust that down to minimum hassle would be life changing, literally.

But most things? You don't wanna fuck with day-to-day operations. You really only want to adjust when things are going wrong, and even then, not as much as you'd think.

You'd think the switching off the internal triggers for depression and anxiety would be great, but everything is connected. You start fucking with that outside of major events, and you throw off everything else because the dopamine, oxyticin, serotonin, norinephine, and other neurochemicals affect each other too much.

So, the key would be to delicately adjust all of that, a little bit at a time, so that you get relief without leaving you unable to process emotions at all.

I think that's where the "power" would be best directed for most people. Keeping mental shit from being overwhelming.

The obvious exception is stuff like my arthritis, autoimmune disorders. The ability to just say "nope, don't attack that at all" would be bonkers. Think about it, Crohn's, MS, all the horrible shit that can happen when the immune system is out of whack, that's within the scope of what you're asking.

Hell, if you want to stretch it, most cancers are part of the function of the organ they're in. It's the normal cells going batshit and replicating out of control. So you'd never have to worry about cancer.

That would be incredible.

That is not a good thing imo

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