[-] Arcka@midwest.social 1 points 1 month ago

For most people, using https and dns over https (DoH) is probably all that's needed.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 0 points 1 month ago

Isn't that because Dan hasn't open-sourced his project yet

Wrong: https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/blob/dev/LICENSE

and doesn't let anybody else contribute?

Hmm, while there have been 158 contributors, a very small percent were from the other developers: https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/graphs/contributors

This information is pretty easy to look up.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 1 points 2 months ago

I'd like to propose a middle ground. As someone who puts effort into avoiding added sugars, it is much more difficult to find unsweetened tea at some chain restaurants or convenience stores.

Being from the North, I'm no authority on Sweet Tea, but I've heard that it's nearly saturated with sugar. If so, that's not what's usually available either.

I've encountered many a place selling sweetened tea (that may not qualify as proper Sweet Tea), but they didn't have unsweetened tea.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 1 points 3 months ago

Someone correct me if I'm wrong because I don't know how proton works on this. These type of things usually don't send the protected content in the email to the recipient's server, they just send a link that the recipient opens and it's all still kept on the private service's server.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social -1 points 3 months ago

Respectfully, when you wrote

They've moved so far towards neoliberal policy positions that they no longer have an economic message to give their working-class base. In the absence of a coherent economic vision for the party, they keep doubling down on, "identity politics,"

It seems like you agree with

some Democratic National Committee members are concluding that the party is too “woke,” too focused on identity politics and too out of touch with broad stretches of America

I also think that if the Dems want to win, they need to simplify their platform and messaging to focus on what will help working-class people the most. I agree that abandoning people is not the answer, but the messaging and focus needs to be more universal.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social -3 points 5 months ago

Sure they do. The gun clubs I've joined foster an environment that attracts people who demonstrate care and consideration in all aspects concerning firearms. If someone is lazy and imprecise in the manner in which they communicate about guns, that might also apply to their general demeaner. After speaking with some of these fellows during public range days, it's not surprising when later they're shooting holes in the shelter roof or bouncing ricochets off the top of the berm.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 0 points 5 months ago

Generalizations that are oversimplified to the point of lacking all nuance are probably untrue because there are bound to be exceptions. Instead, try including 'many', 'most', or such as an easy remedy.

Specifically, landlords can create value when they handle property management and maintenance (and the related costs) efficiently. It is wrong that greed has made that so rare.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 0 points 8 months ago

There is no real need to use captured products though, so OP's question is flawed.

Any desire to use said products (or not) needs to weigh the pros and cons of the captured products vs alternatives.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 0 points 1 year ago

What if you want to listen to your own playlist or podcast, but also wouldn't mind conversing should the opportunity arise?

I don't agree that headphones should automatically include antisocial implications.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social -1 points 1 year ago

got the firearm they used from a family member or a relative


obtained weapons from friends or acquaintances

does not imply those people legally owned the gun already.

I would expect that households who raise children to think violence is acceptable are more likely to disregard the laws.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 0 points 1 year ago

The subject of the post is a direct example that action can be taken quickly and you can't just blame 'the ststem'.

We have to hold the legislators accountable and don't believe anyone trying to deflect their ineffectiveness.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social -1 points 1 year ago

I disagree. That was BC. It'd be like saying people born in the 1930s relate more to colonial times than today. There are some of them who are still alive. While a percentage want nothing to do with modern ways, I think the type to be involved in forming a nation would be lifelong learners akin to the old folks who have little trouble with today's modernities.

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