[-] Arghblarg@lemmy.ca 92 points 4 weeks ago

Call me crusty, old-fart, unwilling to embrace change... but docker has always felt like a cop-out to me as a dev. Figure out what breaks and fix it so your app is more robust, stop being lazy.

I pretty much refuse to install any app which only ships as a docker install.

No need to reply to this, you don't have to agree and I know the battle has been already lost. I don't care. Hmmph.

[-] Arghblarg@lemmy.ca 100 points 2 months ago

Well, if there was any doubt there is one law for the rich & well connected, and an entirely different law for the 'plebes', this put that deep in the ground...

Someone should go rip that blindfold off of any 'Blind Justice' statues, it is just gaslighting at this point.

[-] Arghblarg@lemmy.ca 86 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Camacho at least was smart enough to know he wasn't that smart, and thus had the sense to listen to a particularly smart advisor who wasn't stupidly insane though!

[-] Arghblarg@lemmy.ca 227 points 4 months ago

Heaven forbid journalists do... you know, their jobs?

[-] Arghblarg@lemmy.ca 94 points 11 months ago

.. and as the article fails to mention.. what about the bloody TREES!? Imagine scammers cutting down a century-old, beautiful tree just to make a few hundred dollars. What a scummy, short-term, selfish thing to do. GRRRR.

Stories like this make me consider that humans deserve to go extinct. Maybe raccoons and corvids will do a better job of caring for this planet.

[-] Arghblarg@lemmy.ca 95 points 1 year ago

And people wonder why Snowden went outside of "whistleblower protection" avenues.

We all know such protections are useless if those exposed are powerful enough. Best to get it out beyond their control before they even know they have been outed.

[-] Arghblarg@lemmy.ca 99 points 1 year ago

Any leader who has to sign legislation stating they have lifelong immunity from prosecution, probably needs to be prosecuted for the rest of their long life.

[-] Arghblarg@lemmy.ca 109 points 1 year ago

So sad that Space-X, which has done such incredible things to advance spaceflight, is run by this idiot. It's a testament to the intelligence and hard work of the engineers and scientists working there, despite him, I suppose.

[-] Arghblarg@lemmy.ca 145 points 1 year ago

What? The government will actually collect taxes itself like every other sane country, instead of privatizing it out to middlemen grifters? Oh my, where is mah fainting couch?

[-] Arghblarg@lemmy.ca 107 points 1 year ago

Go listen to Strike Force 5, the podcast with all the late night hosts! Any profits they make from it (and their sponsors, mostly Ryan Reynold's businesses) also go to helping their staff!


[-] Arghblarg@lemmy.ca 150 points 1 year ago

He actually says they (the rich owners) need to "hurt the economy". Economic terrorist.

[-] Arghblarg@lemmy.ca 77 points 2 years ago

Don't let your guard down. Maybe this time they'll fully pull the TPM/UEFI trigger and make it impossible to install any other OS on new PCs... they have lots of leverage over manufacturers to tighten the screws on the BIOS and boot process.

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