[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 9 points 1 week ago

A religious organization is opposed to the existence of, and accused of harassing, someone who was not born their current sex? Even though there is no scientific basis for their "concerns"?

Pardon my lack of shock.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 10 points 1 month ago

Amazon is only a problem because Canadians make it one. You don't have to use any of their services, and if you agree that what they are doing is wrong you need to immediately stop using all of their services.

Every use, regardless of how you personally justify it, is an action in support of their practices. Every time you use their services, you support union busting. You support wage-slave labour practices. You support the production of waste by buying cheap and convenient products you don't need. You are literally holding them up and allowing them to do what they do.

Don't be a part of the problem. If everyone said "We won't do business with you because X" that business stops doing "X" because "Y" is the only way to make money now.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 10 points 1 month ago

If the NDP keeps up like this we may finally see them elected on the Federal level, and that would be great.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 9 points 2 months ago

That is what she is trying to claim while not understanding how scales work. If this was an error with resetting the scale it would self correct the next day when the scale is turned on again and not have been left unresolved for an "undisclosed amount of time".

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 9 points 3 months ago

Jesus Christ my guy we get it.

Now can you stop spamming this bullshit everywhere you can?

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 9 points 4 months ago

He is suspended with pay.

Business as usual.

Fuck the Police.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 10 points 4 months ago

Are you someone that can fully respect people who disagree with you, or treat people with dignity who reject what you believe in?

What does this have to do with either of the questions asked in this thread?

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 10 points 5 months ago

You can no longer care for yourself.

Do you agree that because you can no longer care for yourself that it is okay for you to be shipped off to wherever the Government chooses and strip your of your rights?

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 10 points 5 months ago

No need to tie him to Trump's nonsense.

Poilievre is much more dangerous than Trump is because Poilievre is a seasoned Politician and not a complete idiot.

If we want people to understand who this guy is we need to explain who he is. Not try and scare people by pointing south of the border. Poilievre has more than enough history to attack without importing other countries politics.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 9 points 7 months ago

We should be more concerned that "Consultant" is an actual job.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 10 points 7 months ago

Citations needed lmao. I’m pretty sure computer vision has recognized “objects” for decades. It’s a military tool for murdering non-yts with drones, etc.

Your "pretty sure" is not worth a lot considering how clearly you displayed your ignorance in 3 sentences.

  1. Search engines exist for a reason. If you search "computer vision" you will see very clearly it has not been functional, especially battle field ready, for "decades" as you claimed without citation while demanding citations.

  2. "non-yts" eh? Too afraid to spell the word "white" or what?

Honestly, do a little research and maybe a little soul searching before sharing your opinions with the world. Might be more meaningful for everyone involved.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 10 points 8 months ago


Here is his lifetime voting record without my bias or anything else involved. Just facts.

Everyone is free to interpret it as they wish.

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