The latest Claude is even slightly better than gpt4o, and you can use it for free.

UX is not primarily about how your project looks like, but about how easy it is for humans to interface with it.

On the other hand, user interfaces that are difficult to read or have misleading layouts can seem ugly.

I can recommend the book “the gamer’s brain” by Celia Hodent. Maybe this blog post of hers can give you a rough idea what the book will cover. Although she focuses on games, the lessons are universal.

It is often a little depressing for Italian women when they move to Northern Europe, because the lack of people aggressively hitting on them makes them feel unattractive.

Yeah I think it’s mostly a meme now. Either you read comments from people who loved it, or jokes from people who haven’t played it. I had no expectations before playing it and liked it so much that I even preordered the DLC, to show my support. (I don’t care about the preorder bonus, and I don’t think preordering games is reasonable, but I’m gonna play it right away anyway, so it doesn’t matter in this case)


Meta releases SeamlessM4T, a general multilingual speech/text model claimed to surpass OpenAI's Whisper. It's available on github and everything can be used for free in a non-commercial setting.

Model Features:

  • Automatic speech recognition for ~100 languages.
  • Speech-to-text translation for ~100 input/output languages.
  • Speech-to-speech translation for ~100 input languages and 35 output languages.
  • Text-to-text and text-to-speech translation for nearly 100 languages.


  • SeamlessAlign: Open multimodal translation dataset with 270,000 hours of speech and text alignments.

Technical Insights:

  • Utilizes a multilingual and multimodal text embedding space for 200 languages.
  • Applied a teacher-student approach to extend this embedding space to the speech modality, covering 36 languages.
  • Mining performed on publicly available repositories resulted in 443,000 hours of speech aligned with texts and 29,000 hours of speech-to-speech alignments.

Toxicity Filter:

  • The model identifies toxic words from speech inputs/outputs and filters unbalanced toxicity in training data.
  • The demo detects toxicity in both input and output. If toxicity is only detected in the output, a warning is included and the output is not shown.
  • Given how impaired llama2-chat has been due to these kind of filters, it's unclear how useful these models are in a general setting.

Hugging Face released IDEFICS, an 80B open-access visual language model replicating DeepMind's unreleased Flamingo. Built entirely on public data, it's the first of its size available openly. Part of its training utilized OBELICS, a dataset with 141M web pages, 353M images, and 115B text tokens from Common Crawl.

Impressive! There are more examples here and the code repository here.

I think they added full voiceover to divinity original sin in an update.


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