Hey all, I'm trying to be a little more economical and reduce the amount of food I waste, and was wondering if there were any open-source apps that can track the best-before dates of the foods I buy so I can improve my meal-planning.

I saw that there's Best-Before on F-Droid, but the last release was in July 2022, and I was curious if there was something more actively maintained.

[-] Binzy_Boi@supermeter.social 16 points 4 months ago

Neat, I'm personally gonna keep with KeepassDX, but it's good knowing that there's some more variety popping up in the mobile market.


Hey everyone,

I've been using the fedi-block-api for some time now. It's been a really helpful tool for me in determining which instances of federated platforms I want to make accounts on by making it easy to see what an instance blocks compared to who it is blocked by.

While the fedi-block-api is open source, I very much do not like the people behind it. Reasons being that the source code was initially hosted on KiwiFarms of all places, and the source code license containing a racial slur.

Thanks in advance for any help given.

[-] Binzy_Boi@supermeter.social 106 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Gotta love Hindu nationalism...

[-] Binzy_Boi@supermeter.social 109 points 6 months ago

I still question the intentions of the media and how a lot of outlets immediate ran to claim his actions as mental health related.

Like sure, I can see where that's coming from in a sense since self-immolation is inherently self-harm and you have to question a person's mental health for doing so, but at the same time, I don't know of anybody off-hand who says the same about the Buddhist monks who did the same in Vietnam.

Maybe times have changed and people don't see that action the same way as they used to back then, but if they are going to call this a result of mental health, I really hope they keep consistency with that from here on forward.

[-] Binzy_Boi@supermeter.social 17 points 6 months ago

Amazing. Not a single mention of Palestine.

Putting his backing of Netanyahu aside, there's a number of things he could do to up his popularity. Naming two from the top of my head, he could forgive medical debt at the federal level and federally legalize marijuana and remove it as a Schedule 1 drug.

[-] Binzy_Boi@supermeter.social 20 points 6 months ago

The Quebec injunction makes sense. Not equating the two by any means, but I remember when they started setting a mandatory distance for protests at abortion providers and that made sense seeing how people should feel safe when accessing places.

Protesting at synagogues is incredibly stupid and accomplishes nothing other than create resentment against those protesting for the rights of Palestinians. My only issue with the article is that it doesn't mention what specific antisemitic phrases were said, cause I know there's this thing going around of people equating protestors saying "from the river to the sea" and their intentions with the phrase with the intentions of Hamas when they say they phrase.

[-] Binzy_Boi@supermeter.social 26 points 6 months ago

Third party candidates still exist and are legitimate options to vote for despite what everyone wants you to believe.


Hey all, I've been using Singlelink for a while now as an open source alternative to Linktree. Issue with it has been that development has been incredibly slow, and now it's completely unreliable for me as my page now gives a 403 and my account no longer works for unknown reasons.

Is there any other open source Linktree alternatives that preferrably work better than Singlelink? I appreciate any help in advance.

Rule of Gotham (cdn.discordapp.com)

Hey all, not often I do this, but figured it might be a good idea to make myself vulnerable with something I dislike about myself to maybe get some helpful input as to how to approach this weird dilemma I'm having.

So I [M24], have been struggling with my weight for a few years now. Mainly it's been an issue that's been tied to my mental health, and for the last year I've been doing intensive work on improving my mental health, which includes dealing with the root cause of my weight issues.

For a long time I've been in the mindset of wanting to wait until after I shed the pounds before getting into the dating scene. Reason being is that I personally prefer a certain body type, and it just feels hypocritical and gross to have that expectation going into a relationship when I'm not meeting the expectations for the body type I want for myself.

On the other hand, I had a coworker [F22] at my old job admit that she at one point had feelings for me, so since then it has me thinking if I'm stressing too much about my weight as important as I feel it is for me to address it.

I've also had friends tell me that I need to have more self-confidence in regards to my body, but I'm split on trusting their words because I'm fully aware I'm not at a healthy weight currently and don't want to deny that.

I'm having trouble determining what to do from here, because I really want to go out and meet new people and perhaps mingle since I've been craving a romantic relationship for ages now and know that things are likely going to take more time for me than most others because of my sexual identity.

However on the other hand, I still worry about the aforementioned possibility of coming off as hypocritical, having my weight be a deciding factor at first glance for people when this isn't who I want to be, and having my weight literally get in the way of other things (I worry about it maybe making hugs and/or cuddles awkward for a potential partner.

What would be the best plan of action for me to take?

[-] Binzy_Boi@supermeter.social 21 points 6 months ago

Unanimous? I might be out of the loop on some things but strikes me as unexpected that Ketanji Brown Jackson ruled in favour of Trump here.

[-] Binzy_Boi@supermeter.social 136 points 6 months ago

I work on OpenFoodFacts, and the big issue is simply the amount of saturated fats and refined sugars there are in a lot of processed foods.

Like, sure, people have to be held personally responsible to some extent, but it should also be on the government to properly regulate how foods are advertised. I really appreciate the Nutriscore system that's being pushed for in Europe despite the flaws it has, and here in Canada they've been making some changes in how certain products are shown on shelves such as requiring labeling if they're high in sugar or fats and changing the previous confusing labels for energy drinks with a more easy-to-read Supplemental Food Facts label.

End of the day though, if something is still being labelled as being "healthy" when it really isn't, that's all it takes to fool the average consumer unfortunately. Stuff like Lucky Charms shouldn't be advertised to kids as "part of a complete breakfast", and it's absurd that a lot of "healthier" alternatives to certain foods are being advertised that way despite only being barely any better than the original product, like turkey bacon or veggie straws.

[-] Binzy_Boi@supermeter.social 25 points 6 months ago

Man that cutoff hit like a fucking brick lmao

[-] Binzy_Boi@supermeter.social 23 points 6 months ago

Token cis man, much prefer the women's hygiene products, just worried about stares I'd get at the store lmao.

[-] Binzy_Boi@supermeter.social 19 points 6 months ago

Think of smelling a glass of ice cubes fresh out of the freezer. Very neutral, but also has a slight "freshwater" scent.

[-] Binzy_Boi@supermeter.social 26 points 6 months ago

Okay, but icebergs go hard as a smell.

Fuck it. Green. (s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com)
Fuck it. Green. (upload.wikimedia.org)
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