Over 10,000 hours in Counterstrike. My steam review: Not Recommended lol
That's the Microsoft difference!™
If these are tracks in the US then I just understaff the engineers and maintenance teams and the train derails before I have to make a decision, checkmate.
It always cracks me up when people say private companies can do the job better with less regulation. Most businesses fail and the news is constantly full of stories about fraud.
The article I read recognized him for his contributions to the coal industry lobby and expanding horse betting. A real go-getter.
The 5th circuit includes Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi so they can go fuck themselves. You think I'll live by the opinion of some backwater states? Only a corrupt supreme court would uphold this ruling-ohhh fuckity fuck fuck!
I just walk to the 7/11 and buy a scratcher. I never win anything but I could make at least $100,000 in just one day!
It's not for you. Its for corporations who want to fire half their staff and replace them with an algorithm. That's why it has such a high valuation.
What does OpenAI need a CEO for anyway? Just let chatGPT run the company if they are so gung-ho about it.
Next time Starbucks does a greenwashing campaign just think of this asshole drinking champagne while commuting on a private jet.
Loved this phone, but the screen replacements never stayed on for me so i had to switch.