Recognized that it was part of what makes me successful and learned to control it a little. For example, when I struggled with getting things done on time, I learned to set deadlines for myself and stuck to them. I realized that I work better when I know I'm a little up against the clock, so I kind of built that in for myself. The hard part is the not moving the deadline. You can't view it as moveable or it doesn't work.
I also ask myself "how long is it going to take" and most things if the answer is less than five minutes, I just try to force myself to do it and get it out of the way.
For other recurring things I do them on a schedule. So like, every weekend there are things around the house I need to do. It doesn't matter when I do them but I have to get them done the day I say I will. That's the deal Iake myself and it helps.
Those are some of my personal hacks. They don't work for everyone but they work for me.
Don't worry, your pessimism isn't totally misplaced. See that big "natural gas" line?
Natural gas is just a more palatable word for methane, and burning methane is still putting an enormous amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. But methane by itself is like 10x worse than CO2 and the EPA estimates as much as 10% of all methane for domestic use ends up in the atmosphere. Fun!