That's to say there are legitimate uses of the word. Most other slurs have the one meaning.

I always thought the biggest problem with these wasn't light penalties but that perpetrators were rarely caught because they plan things out and 10 seconds after you realize something's happening they're in the car driving off.

The main reason Texas is not "in play" it's because everyone assumes it can't be "in play". Over 5 million registered Texans did not vote in 2020! Among them there is definitely 700k Democratic votes and that would be a landslide win for Harris.

This is where primaries are vitally important. They provide accountability with low risk to the overall direction of governance.

I'd say it's more like he "baselessly accuses" them. Saying your source is social media is about as meaningful as saying your source is your gut.

At this point the undecideds look 10X dumber than the average MAGA supporter. MAGAs either fell for the rage bait or they think they'll be rewarded somehow (also falling for that lie since Trump only ever rewards his own family). But to be fucking "undecided" between what I think is a somewhat moderate and capable candidate in Harris and a clearly authoritarian grifter in Trump, you need to be straight up committed to a hospital because you probably have a tumor.

Back in the day I nearly kissed the ground Ron Paul walked on. There was also about as much conspiracy theory swirling among his followers as there is with MAGA.

Lick the boot or get stomped by it huh?

Agreed. Respond to his policy points when he actually makes them. "Never would've happened if I was still President," is not a policy point and it's barely even a selling point. What question would that not work for? Inflation, illegal immigration, housing, school shootings, Ukraine, energy prices, climate change, and Israel: never would've happened. All because the Supreme Ruler Trump said... "Don't do it!"

I think she actually attacked him less than she should have. Trump said he didn't know who the President is anymore. That seemed like a perfect opportunity to call out how much his age is affecting his judgement and clearly everyone else can tell you who the President is.

The comment about Haitian immigrants eating cats definitely clenched it for me.

My ass cheeks that is. As I was dying laughing.

It's really astounding that Donald will lie his ass off about almost anything but can't muster the will to lie about protecting Ukraine. No rational person could think he intends to do anything but hand over Ukraine to Russia.

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