I had a friend that during the cold winter mornings would wake up and piss on his windshield to clear/melt the frost. He of course kept the vents closed so he couldn’t smell it on the drive. It really was disgusting, but made me wonder if he might’ve had a clever time saving idea.
That looks like a shitty future car mock-up for a late 80’s future/action movie. Like Robocop or an Arnold movie 🤣 Only Elon would fund something this unappealing.
This is like discovering water is wet, the man is a awful in every conceivable way.
We all are. He sucks so much and looks like a dollar store Kathy Bates.
This reminds me of when Nintendo was caught selling ripped ROM’s from a pirate site in the WiiShop lol.
Disgusting. I love it! 👍
Agreed 100%, being a specialist in something always has led to someone taking a pot shot at your deficiencies.
So if he claimed it was 2.5 billion, but is inflated by 2.2 billion, his net worth is more like 300 million?
Kiss my sexy Klingon ass, Google. I will forever battle ads.
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joined 2 years ago
You don’t, so appreciate the time you’ll have hair. Because once it’s truly gone, you’ll look back on this day and cry.