unattended-upgrades is annoying? How so?
Apple has a market cap or net worth of $2.77 trillion as of March 1, 2024.
One catch is that you have to assume it's gonna be sending data to China or at least have a hidden backdoor, possibly both. That may not matter depending on what they are doing.
In 'news that was incredibly obvious from the start'.....no shit sherlock.
See if there are any autocross groups in your area. Cheaper and safer than a track day with 95% of the thrill.
I picked up a 4-pack of Terraria and been enjoying it a lot. I never played Minecraft but I understand it's basically the same thing. I only picked it up to support the devs, no microtransactions and 12 years of updates for free. But it's a fun game so far.
Sure. This dude at a shopping cart and a Cessna 150. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Lotito
Just believe in yourself.
This is for my users, none of whom are experienced enough to do offline image editing.
Welcome to Costco, I love you
Nope. You see there are two realities. One where the DOT exists and they write traffic laws for. Then there's the reality the rest of us are living in. Cops are not behind every bush or blade of grass so adherence to the rules is an optional behaviour.
People dogmatically sticking to the speed limit while there's a line of cars behind them are the worst type of narcissistic asshole. Even if they don't want to speed, they can pull over and let the rest of us pass them. But they don't. Because that would mean feeling shame and they have none.
Never head of I2P, sounds pretty cool. I've just stuck to encryption for torrents and haven't had any complaints from my ISP.
For whom?
Generally the uneducated or low-iq who simply can't be educated. They don't understand science so to them it might as well be another religion. In that case why not pick the religion that gives them a nice afterlife? Something they can fall back on and blame when they make poor decision after poor decision.
If you're on Debian, it's the tried and true method. The config is dead simple for most upgrades, just un-comment the line in the config file next to the type of upgrades you want, stable or testing. It can take some debugging if you have a package with it's own APT repo. It'll just ignore those updates by default.