Love it. Classic cartooning.
OP has zero education and work experience in the field but that didn't stop them!
Yes. Not all of it, just the first 2 seasons. People saying no are forgetting Pike learning something about himself in Discovery is basically his prime motivator throughout SNW. It is a fundamental pillar of his character.
Spock has some important backstory in Disco as well. Good for general star trek edification but not necessary to enjoy spock as a character in SNW.
Your reach and mass are doing you way more favours than vulnerabilities in a violent situation.
Spying on your nudes with their illegal stingray vans between beatings of the mentally ill. The VPD SOP.
The cool thing about star trek is I can pretend I knew that and am speaking from the perspective of Discovery in the 29th century or something and still be technically correct, the best kind of correct.
Using incel rhetoric to justify a murder is absolutely political and ideological.
Here in BC we have a minimum of $200,000 liability insurance. We don't separate based on property or injury, 200k covers all. But only low income drivers stop at 200K, $3Million is the most common liability amount. If you end up accidentally crippling a kid, you will require every penny that 3million. We don't advertise our insurance at all. Insurers must have a reserve on hand to cover every single outstanding claim plus 10 million, I'm not sure what those numbers are in the US, it wouldn't surprise me if they were much more lax. The Insurance Act of BC is a beautiful piece of legislation with the insured's best interest in mind, not the insurer's shareholders.
Most often in gaming, yeah, but there are no rules. PURE CHAOS, BABY!!!
It is a very entertaining time because it is so bad. Corny writing, way over the top deaths, a great bad suspense movie experience. Freddy vs. Jason is still the best bad horror movie, but Cube 2 is still a lot of fun.
I'm disabled and really we just need people to know and talk about how many of us live in poverty in wealthy countries. Look up how much a disabled person must live on for your part of the world. In my area, I have a bottom of the market, illegal rental suite in middle-of-nowhere farmland and rent takes up 2/3 of my monthly income, this is after we just got a boost to our shelter allowance. I live in Canada, some countries are worse, some are better. We just passed a new law federally that is supposed help a lot, but it will take about a year to get rolling and we've heard these kinds of promises before. We shall see.
A well supported disabled person can still contribute to society in other ways than a full time job, but right now we makeup the bulk of homelessness, a growing problem, globally. This problem is systemic, change must be legislative and that will only happen if these issues are in people's minds and conversations. So just do a bit of googling, find out how much a single person on disability gets, and talk about it with your friends. Get them to talk about it with theirs. If you really want to do your disabled neighbours a solid, write to your elected representative about these issues.
Every source I could find by googling "number of Dalits in India" was my source for 166 million. Yes, it is a huge portion of the population. You not knowing about it is proving my point.