The holes have been apparent for ages and they are being kept open. If they fixed their laws, great, but it is a country full of sexual violence because those laws are kept broken. I will absolutely judge India on its sexual violence problem that has existed in the global spotlight for decades without improvement. It would be silly not to.
This is not true. 7 years is the average, but some cells are with you for life. Others a few months. When you die, you've likely only replaced about 40% of the cells in your heart, the rest have been with you since birth. Same for many regions of the brain.
I am disabled. I would take a magic cure in a second, as would the vast majority of disabled people.
Interesting! I find some vapes make some pretty weak tea, it could just be the one you used or too low a temperature setting? I have an Arizer Solo II and set it at max temp, it is far more potent than others. But that said, a vape high isn't the same, for sure, maybe it does just suck for you, which is a shame. I have that problem with edibles, they don't seem to work on me. Same with antidepressants, lol.
"A Marshal of France? Ridiculous!"
"Uncle who?"
"We are also lonely"
Not enjoying the game is a fair criticism. It is slow paced and there is no pvp off switch, only things you can do to minimize risk by learning best practices. It's not for everyone. It's going for a sci-fi second life vibe, it's not very gamey. I don't think everyone expects that. And the prototype criminality system is rather useless right now, you're right, so you get griefers and undeserved fines here and there. I can still have a lot of fun despite these things, but I can totally see it being not worth everyone's time, especially for the lesser flushed out jobs. I have had my share of bug induced rage quits.
But yeah, they are making a huge game in good faith, any claim of it being a scam is childish. Any claim that it's not fun is a valid opinion if they've actually tried it.
They know whale hunting is paying for the game, without them it'd be a tiny, indy, space game we'd have all forgotten about by now like they thought they'd make back in the original in Kickstarter. Some people have better stuff than me because they earned it, some just bought it, but it's more RPG than competitive shooter and the in-game progression is fair so far so it hasn't been world breaking yet, plus it ads a lot of diversity and multicrew options right out the gates. So it's not great, but it's less shady than premium currencies, battle passes, or loot boxes to me.
I don't know where you live so I can't quote your local laws to you, but in this age of information you can Google terms and they will present relevant links. You should try it sometime.
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I agree social issues are a primary factor and I'm famiar with its rape statistics compared to other nations, I am just not someone who can comment on the social issues as I am not a member of any of Indian cultures I don't feel qualified to comment on them. But my thoughts on the legal side of the issue aren't unfounded. The Last few years has seen some improvement in rape legislation, but it is not like they are fixing everything and all is well on the legal side. India just had an opportunity to define marital rape as rape but didn't. This is the most common form of rape. There absolutely are attempts to keep some laws open and in this case, maybe the most potentially impactful, those regressive voices won. That stastic is low because of the narrow definition of rape, not just social attitudes preventing reporting. Enforcement and judicial systems are both negligent in solving the rape problem too.
So things are getting better, but they still have a long way to go before it I'll be convinced the legal system is up to the task of easing the rape problem in good faith.