Looking out of windows is clearly a terrorist act.
You likely have a potassium deficit. I had cramps all the time until I took vitamin supplements that contain potassium. No more cramps.
Of course you can also just eat healthier and get potassium that way. Supplements aren't necessarily the solution for you.
That isn't "supercommuting", it's "stupidcommuting".
He'll definitely keep it until after the election at least.
If a black guy went to a KKK meeting with a rifle and sat there provoking the KKK members, I'd argue he probably went there to stir up a fight. Not that I have any sympathy for KKK members or their actions.
Paying hush money is allowed. Laundering money to conceal that you're paying hush money, violating campaign laws in the process, is not allowed.
At least in the Netherlands this would still constitute unauthorised copying of licensed material, and therefore be illegal.
I wonder if Meta implemented a very basic "no porn keywords" filter. "Interracial" is quite a common keyword on porn websites, perhaps that's why it won't pick up on it well or wasn't trained on images like it?
... Are they? I've never had issues cleaning them at all.
The US isn't testing theirs. Your criticism should be directed towards Russia.
The CEO was overpaid regardless of their performance imo. Most CEOs are.