"I swallowed the knife..."

"Guess we'll just keep capturing territory until a fair deal is a reality, then."

They're trying to turn weird around? Fucking LMFAO!

Is the defense familiar with the "I'm rubber, you're glue" gambit?

Still waiting for tokenboomer, linkerbaan, return2ozma et al to say anything about this. I'll just hold my breath for a second...

The "genocide Joe" crowd is deafeningly silent on this development, i see. How surprising.

Don't worry kiddo, the clouds'll start to piss you off too one day.

[-] ChronosTriggerWarning@lemmy.world 143 points 4 weeks ago

This is why i register as Republican. Never voted R once, but strangely and unlike several family members, I've never been purged from voter rolls, either.


Four suitors? What is she, a billionaire?!


I've seen some people getting genuinely uncomfortable at the recent discourse. Just wanted to point out there's more than one kind of weird.

One saving grace is this time, it ain't the diaper in Chief calling the shots. Biden won't hesitate to call the national guard if need be.

That being said, i think the violence is gonna happen at State capitals this time.... I hope I'm wrong.

I. Agree. With. What. You're. Saying. But. Your. Punctuation. Is. Giving. Me. An. Aneurism.

Joe Rogan said he will not visit Canada. It is a great day for Canada, and therefore, the world.

Take some Obama racism, mix with some leftover Hilary misogyny, bake for 15 minutes, and ta-da! Anti-Harris campaign all set to be consumed by your average cousin fucking maga voter!

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