[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

I'm not sure, only ever used it with my PC. As for the touchpad, haven't noticed not having it but I mostly play COD and older aRPGs.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

I just got a 8BitDo pro 2 because every PlayStation controller for the last 4yrs has broken in less than 6 months and it's great. Feels good, connects over Bluetooth, and has Hall effect joysticks that aren't prone to drift, which was the Sony controller main issue. All for $50. I think I'm done with Sony controllers.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 20 points 2 months ago

An opthalmologist is an eye doctor. They go to medical school and do a residency for extra training. Optometrists have doctorates in optometry meaning they do four more years of school after their bachelor's. They can call themselves doctor because in the US that's the convention for doctorate's (in Europe ony medical doctors use the term). There's avast difference in intensity, depth, bredth, etc. of training between the two. It's easy to miss the difference if you're not familiar with the system.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 4 points 6 months ago

Fortunately CMS is rethinking the role of primary care and realizing we can save money if we're able to provide high quality preventive care like we're supposed to. PCP service payments (RVUs) are up 18% since 2020 which has been a long time coming. Unfortunately physician pay is down vs inflation over the last few decades but thank Christ administration salaries are way, way up over the same timeframe.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago

Oof this is definitely wrong. A blood thinner is one of the most important things whether a patient is taking or not. It's the nurses job to let the doctor know whether the patient is compliant not only for medical reasons but for documentation. That's outside the argument about profit in healthcare in US, that's basic medicine. What if that patient falls and hits their head? Do we need to know if they're on s blood thinner? What if they're hemoglobin starts dropping? What if they need a procedure? What tif their platelets start dropping? Etc, etc, etc.

Don't be a dick and not do your job, that makes your coworkers miserable and puts people in danger especially in medicine. I agree with burlit being and issue and chronic understaffing but be an adult and quit or move positions if you don't like it.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 12 points 9 months ago

It's not that CPR doesn't work, it's that outcomes after resuscitation usually aren't great. The study doesn't disclose ages or neurological outcomes post-rescuscitation so that limits my interpretation but quick rescue and quick CPR is key in those acute, single reason emergencies. That isn't to say in an emergency situation you shouldn't try especially since you don't know that person's wishes. There are good outcomes but usually for underlying healthy people who had one thing go wrong. Think the athlete who's heart stops on the field for some reason.

I've admitted at least a thousand people into a hospital through the ER and I tell everyone that it's not like on TV. If you're older, sick, multiple chronic diseases, don't take care of yourself, etc. the chances of any kind of quality of life after CPR is limited. Death is terrifying and I understand them wanting to try but it's just not realistic a lot of the time. We need better deaths in the US and more in-depth end-of-life conversations with our patients. That should be starting in the PCP's office. Trying to discuss that with a patient in the ER who's already scared isn't ideal. I've seen patients with do not resuscitate/do not intubate orders on file change their mind when they're suffocating and panicking then once they're more stable immediately change their mind back.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Couple of things it could be:

  1. You locked your knees without realizing it, shut down the blood return from your legs, then had a drop in blood pressure due to decreased blood return to your heart causing you to pass out.
  2. You took a big hit, expanded your chest, held it, decreased blood flow through your thoracic cavity due to the increased intrathoracic pressure then a blood pressure drop as above.
  3. Your vasovagaled yourself somehow (bearing down on a held hit maybe or just due to weed effects) which is increased parasympathetic nervous system tone that drops blood pressure
  4. Some weird shit 🤷🏼‍♂️, the body can be odd and changes as we age so maybe you just can't smoke weed now cause of the earlier mentioned weird shit

I agree with your doc (I'm a family med physician), don't smoke if all of a sudden you're passing out.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 9 points 10 months ago

Fucking not 9lbs that's for sure. Around 1/2lb usually.


I'm making it a thing


I'm making it a thing.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

I can't speak for every hospital since I've only worked at a few but this is rare. Some places might still be doing it, dumping people who can't be placed or don't have insurance, but EMTLA was put in place to combat that stuff and the lawsuit and probably fines would make this a bad move. We've kept people where I work for months because we can't place them or psych won't take them. At minimum they're going to a nursing home.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

I'd love to switch too since I use proton mail and their VPN but the auto sync option on Android using Pcloud and AutoSync is a necessity for me. If they can get added to AutoSync, that'd be great but not sure if it's feasible. I'd switch instantly if it was.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 46 points 1 year ago

It's really not the doctors charging crazy amounts, it's the hospitals. MBA types got into medicine and squeeze it like any other industry. GI does a scope? Doc gets $200 for doing the procedure, facility gets $5k for a facility fee.

[-] CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

If you ever want to go further, pathology as an MD or DO would be perfect. Sounds like you might work with them already. Med school is difficult, annoying, and expensive though.

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