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Is this the lowest rated year of movies ever? Does rotten tomatoes do average ratings by year?
It's got good trains.
If an Englishman uses 'soccer' he's almost certainly from the upper class.
As “soccer” was played by the elite (such as the Oxford lad who is said to have coined “soccer”), it soon spread to the working classes, and became “football”.
What a fucking joke
I had to work on a few TAC client reports a few years back. The descriptions of children's bodies after being hit by a car will haunt me to my dying day. My heart breaks for everyone involved.
"I'll beat you" Had me rolling
I'm waiting for the inevitable Carl's Jr implosion, no way those restaurants are sustainable businesses.
Check out The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein.
It's all about how those in power, like big governments and corporations, take advantage of chaotic situations like natural disasters or political turmoil – to push their agendas. They use these shocks and their subsequent 'recoveries' to bulldoze through policies that consolidate wealth while forcing systems to reform in their image.
Christ when you hear it laid out like that it sounds like a waking nightmare
Yeah I could be wrong. I think the Peter's one is the fake. I've had all the others but I haven't seen the ice cream.