[-] DLSantini@lemmy.ml 8 points 2 days ago

Con Air is the most 90's movie that ever 90's its way through the 90's.

[-] DLSantini@lemmy.ml 77 points 2 weeks ago

To streamers, YouTubers, etc. Your Patreon supporters are called Patrons. Not fucking "Patreons."

[-] DLSantini@lemmy.ml 59 points 2 months ago

Beheading kings.

[-] DLSantini@lemmy.ml 143 points 4 months ago

Because here in America, when they take my money, it's to give away to oil companies and weapons dealers. Not to give us all health care and affordable housing.

[-] DLSantini@lemmy.ml 50 points 6 months ago
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by DLSantini@lemmy.ml to c/selfhost@lemmy.ml

My new overnight job unfortunately comes with a mandatory 1-hour lunch break (sitting destroys my back, and I'd also rather be earning money if I have to be there anyway), so I end up looking at random shit on my phone. I forget where I saw it, but I recently got reminded of those apps that let you completely catalog your wardrobe, so you can browse your clothing easily in the app, match things up the way you want, plan what to wear with what, you get the idea.

And that got me thinking, in the last few years, I've gone from a person with what I thought was a lot of tshirts and hats, at like 40 shirts and 15-20 hats, to someone with... well, what appears to be a collection of around 200+ tshirts, 30 or so hoodies, and maybe 70-80 hats, of various colors, styles, graphics, etc. Not to mention a sizable collection of sunglasses, jewelry, etc. In the last week or so, I completely reorganized how everything is hung or stored in my closet. And I realized that the way I have stuff now, it's well suited to easily add a numbering system, so if I were to add everything into such an app as I mentioned above, I could easily browse everything I have, and once I've decided I need something in particular, I'd know exactly which hanger to find it on or which spot to find that hat that I want, and be able to find it and grab it in a few seconds.

So I'm wondering, is there a self hosted version of those wardrobe apps? Preferably a docker(I run Unraid and do everything via docker containers there), and hopefully something that also has an available Android app.

But beyond that, I'm wondering if there are similar options for other stuff. I have probably a couple hundred unpainted figures/minis/whatever-wanna-call-them, and would love to have a way to catalog/inventory them, with the ability to give them labels, images, tags, etc, so it's easy to browse what I have through an app, rather than trying to randomly dig through a bunch a drawers, unwrapping and rewrapping stuff trying to figure out what it is. I've seen apps to do exactly that kind of cataloging of paints specifically, but not really anything for keeping an inventory of actual figures. And those are only Android apps, not really anything I can add to my Docker setup. Now that I'm in the new job, I'm working on rearranging my living space so I have room to setup my art desk, and can start painting some of these things again. Would be really helpful to have everything digitized so I can easily browse what I have, plan out projects, find the actual physical item in my collection once I need it, etc.

Are there dedicated self hosted solutions out there for either of those things? Or a single more general solution that can work for both? I'd rather have dedicated setups for each one, especially in the case of clothing, but I'd consider whatever's available, if there even is anything available. Or am I stuck with whatever existing Android apps I can find?

Anybody else already doing any kind of inventorying and tracking off their own personal items, and have thoughts?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by DLSantini@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

TL;DR It was an old Wang system, 286 processor(I think, anyway), with no hard drive, a 5.25" floppy drive, and a lovely green monochrome monitor. I didn't have it long enough to reach the point where I could have identified the actual hardware/specs.

Back in 1993, I was 10, and the internet really wasn't a thing yet(yeah, yeah, I know. But for most of us, the internet didn't exist until the mid-late 90's). You'd probably have difficulty even finding someone in the neighborhood who could tell you what a computer was, nevermind having used one. I was out running around the city, as you used to be able to do at 10 years old, when I passed by some local business/office/who knows I was 10. Big pile of trash out front, waiting to be picked up. When you're a kid, and you're poor, you go picking. Trash picking, I mean. You can get all sorts of cool shit, especially from the wealthier neighborhoods. Maybe it's different nowadays, but back in the day, people would toss out perfectly good toys, bikes, electronics, furniture, and as they became more commom, videogames, computers, etc. A ton of the shit I owned as a kid is stuff I picked straight out of the trash. Even after that, I picked trash for years. Resold a metric FUCKTON of stuff that other(presumably wealthier) people deemed to be garbage.

Back to this business/office/free stuff location, I obviously start eyeing what's in the big pile out front of this place. Among the stuff, I see a big, beige, metal box, a weird looking TV, and something with a big coiled wire hanging off of it. Now, it's not like there weren't computers in movies/TV at that point, and I had just read Jurassic park the same year, so I did recognize, vaguely, what it was. So I start looking at it, poking around, It had a name on it. "Wang". Don't know what that means, but I'm 10; that's hilarious. I decide I'm taking it. Tried to pick it up, and yeah, that shit is heavy. Nevermind the TV thing, and the keyboard. So as you do, I look around for a stary shopping cart, and sure enough, there's never one far away. Grab the cart and start lifting my haul into it, when someone comes out of the business/office/treasure-hoard, and yells "HEY!" Thought I was about to be in trouble, but instead, this guys walks over to me and says "you're gonna need this." Handed me a bundle of wires, and a square envelope, and just went back inside. So I toss that in the cart, and start pushing. And push I did. A shopping cart full of early 90's computer hardware, pushed by a 10 year-old, down the street, on and off of curb, up and down hills, from the other end of the city, is hard work. But eventually, I got home with it. Not to worry though, I only lived on the 3rd floor of a three-story building.

So I get home, and I start unloading my haul, one piece at a time, and start dragging it up the stairs. Thankfully no one was home, so I could bring everything into my room without anyone complaing about what I'm doing. That was also one of the only times I actually had a bedroom, so that worked out. Once I get it in there, I put the big metal box on the floor in the corner of my room, I take my monitor and decide that I'm pretty sure it's supposed to sit on top, so I put that there. The keyboard was next. After I untagled that cursed coiled cable, I obviously checked the back of the monitor, looking for where I need to plug the keyboard in. Figured out that no, it gets plugged into the big metal box. What next? Oh, right, that bundle of wires the guy gave me. It tuned out to be a couple of power cables, and a (what I now would assume) was a VGA cable. So I get to work plugging all of that in, and when it comes to the VGA cable, that's when I realize that oh, everything plugs into the metal box, that seems important. That must be the part that is a "computer." So what the hell is the TV thing? Took a minute, but I eventually remembered my NES, and realized that oh yeah, the box is where everything happens, and the screen is just where you see it. Again, I was 10, and all of this technology was still new to the average person. Give me a break here.

And last up was that square envelope. Would you believe it had a black plastic thing inside? It's really floppy. Weird. What the fuck is this thing? It has a white sticker on it, and some illegible scribbles. Nintendo to the rescue again. This black plastic thing sure does look like it would fit into the slot on the front of the metal box. Oh shit, it did! Now I just have to turn this thing on. How the fuck do you turn this thing on? Spent a while on that one, flipping the obvious big red power switch in the back. Took a while before I figured out there was a second power button on the front. TWO power switches?! What is this nonsense? Whatever. It's on now.

I sat and watched as bright green text started popping up on the screen. Various numbers, and phrases that I'd never heard in my life. Clearly, this stuff could only be understood some secret government agent, or that one kid I read about Jurassic Park, who was obviously like, a genius hacker or something. The slot where I shoved that floppy plastic square sure is noisy. What the hell is it doing, anyway? It loads in just like my Nintendo games, maybe it's a game?! Maybe a game is about to start. It sure was, friends. Maybe the greatest game ever made. We called it... DOS.

Man, did I love that game, DOS. I spent the several hours, typing random shit on the keyboard, as the command prompt did absolutely nothing of interest, since I had no idea what I was doing. But after those couple of hours of typing swears and random nonsense, I finally started to get bored, what with all of the nothing that was happening. And for whatever reason, I thought maybe someone could help me. Or, why not the computer itself? Maybe it will help me. So I typed the work "help", I hit the enter key, and sure enough, something finally happened. Holy shit, it's doing something. It's telling me how to DO stuff.

And so, before this novel goes on even longer, yeah. I found the help menu, and spent many more hours needlessly using very basic commands to create, copy, move, rename, and delete empty files and folders. Truly, I was now an elite haxxor man.

Over the next couple of years, I pulled many systems and parts out of various trash piles, and cobbled together different systems. Many, many different 386 and 486 systems. Until finally, when I was 15, I managed to get my hands on an obscenely slow, but absolute magic at the time, dialup modem, and a pile of "free hours" of AOL.

And they all lived happily ever after... Until social media was invented. The end.

If people like/want to read/discuss such poorly written nonsense, maybe I'll write up some nonsense about other technology-based shenanigans from over the years. And if people would rather make fun of my poor writing skills; fair.

[-] DLSantini@lemmy.ml 55 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

As long as everything is wired properly, and there's not too much going on on any individual circuit, that's an awesome setup for so many things. Imagine you're a streamer/YTer, OF girl, maybe musician with a big recording setup, etc. How nice is it to not need a shit ton of extension cords, power strips, splitters, etc, to plug in all of your camera chargers, lights, audio devices, other assorted devices required for such a setup. Even though I didn't film/stream when I was painting/crafting, I still needed so many power strips to plug in my lights, airbrush compressor, paint booth fans and lights, Dremel and other tool chargers, laptop, 3d printer and wash station, mini fridge, and other assorted items. I only have 2 outlets. So yeah.

[-] DLSantini@lemmy.ml 60 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Run updates without me having to worry that "whoops, an update was fucked, and the system is not unbootable anymore. Enjoy the next 6 hours of begging on forums for someone to help you figure out what happened, before being told that the easiest solution is to just wipe your drive and do a fresh install, while you get berated by strangers for not having the entirety of the Linux kernel source code committed to memory."

[-] DLSantini@lemmy.ml 47 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

The original Star wars trilogy was overrated, the sequels were underrated, and I'd rate them all to be equally mediocre.

[-] DLSantini@lemmy.ml 43 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Funny, considering I've moved over to a paid proton account as my primary email, and my former primary email/Gmail account, with its ability to instantly become infinitely many disposable email addresses, is now used as exactly that. This same procedure occured many years ago, when I made my yahoo email into the disposable junk mail home, and my shiny new Gmail became my primary. I wonder how many years it be until proton becomes my disposable, and some as-of-yet to be created service becomes my new primary email. Or maybe email will finally be dead by then, and we'll use something else entirely.

I will say, even after all of these years, and using the living shit out of my Gmail account in many, many places, I still only get two or three spam emails at most during the entire year.

[-] DLSantini@lemmy.ml 58 points 10 months ago

Made the switch from Plex to jellyfin last week. Runs so much smoother, far fewer issues, my NAS isn't lighting itself on fire, and I don't have unwanted features being shoved down my throat every time I open the client app. A few small UI things I don't like, but Plex had just fucked up the exact same UI element on me anyway.

I think it's finally time I get around to setting up a second sonarr instance to customize for anime.

submitted 10 months ago by DLSantini@lemmy.ml to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

Somehow accidentally marked a post as NSFW when I submitted it. Tried to edit the post to unmark it as NSFW, and saw there was no way to do it. I was about to delete and repost, when I noticed the "open in browser" option, did that, and realized I could edit it that to unmark the NSFW tag. Is this an oversight? A planned feature for later? Or is it already an option, and I'm just blind?

submitted 10 months ago by DLSantini@lemmy.ml to c/music@lemmy.ml
[-] DLSantini@lemmy.ml 89 points 11 months ago

I mean, they made a whole anime about it.


Just got from work to find Sync had automatically updated, and we can finally post now. Obviously, I had to try it out. Look ma, I'm posting! Are you proud yet?

[-] DLSantini@lemmy.ml 40 points 1 year ago

Photoshop, Fences, Plex, Steam, Unraid. I just highly prefer them to any alternatives I have tried. And believe me, I have tried every alternative to Photoshop and Fences that I could find. They just don't do it. And because of those two in particular, I have to add Windows to the list.

Oh, and I guess Sync for Lemmy. The only reason I even know what Lemmy is, is the fact that the Sync for Reddit app stopped working and basically said, "Yeah, move to Lemmy, idiot."

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