[-] DWin@feddit.uk 1 points 2 weeks ago

I wonder if that's based on fear, a fear that immigrants won't be approving of who they are, and they see voting AfD as the only way to reduce that risk.

Not saying it's right, but it's a sentiment I've been seeing. I remember a high profile case with a trans woman being attacked on the streets in Paris by men speaking Arabic back in 2015. Statistically unlikely doesn't really quell the fear.

[-] DWin@feddit.uk 1 points 1 month ago

How do you even deal with wage compression? It feels like it's ingrained socially at this point, people just seem willing to accept that pay because there's no alternative. I know that for public sector jobs it's a tricky balancing act where the government can't increase a salary for roles in 1 Civil Service grade as it may disincentivise workers in another role at the same grade. That probably hasn't helped when highly skilled roles that require decades of experience are tiered similarly to a role that may only take 6 months of training, where that high skill role wage is being constrained by that lower skill role. Perhaps that's had a wider effect of bringing the perceived value down? I haven't spent any time really thinking about this though, if you have any resources on this, I'd love to give them a read/watch.

Also sorry if my comments felt like I was implying young people are lazy, that wasn't what I was getting at at all. I think the apathy that young people feel is absolutely valid, and even workers who are in their late 50's who have been hit by redundancy are feeling this apathy intensely as they may not see any opportunities that allows them to provide for their families due to the general outlook of things.

[-] DWin@feddit.uk 1 points 1 month ago

I want workers to earn more, but can you really regulate the economy into being better like this?

The cost of living is insane, but the relative pay per hour of a worker competed to anywhere in Europe is already pretty high. Our current minimum wage is 25% higher than Germany, 28% higher than France, 81% for Spain, and 318% compared to somewhere lile the Czech Republic. Our economy is already stalled out, It's already prohibitively expensive to run a company in the UK, and I don't think making employees cost more will stimulate the economy.

Also if minimum wage rises aggressively then I think all that will happen is we'll get a wage spiral upwards and companies will hire fewer and fewer peoeple. We saw a bit of this as we were coming out of covid as a reaction to inflation at the time. The concern is if wages do inflate quicjly, then that drivea prices higher, which results in people demanding higher wages, ect.

Tackling the actual living costs, housing, utility, food, I think that's the only way to go about this. Anything like a minimum wage increase just rolls the snowball down the road, and it will 100% be bigger when you reach it again.

[-] DWin@feddit.uk 1 points 1 month ago

Oh sorry, I know which one you mean, the profile button yeah. It's the same number of clicks unfortunately

[-] DWin@feddit.uk 1 points 1 month ago

I did have a look there, but unfortunately no dice. I couldn't see any account option. Unless I'm missing something, here's the options I have

I hadn't heard of Mozilla Connect, I'll give that a look, thanks!

[-] DWin@feddit.uk 1 points 1 month ago

Yep! It's absolutely fantastic. It was the main feature that I've been missing from Chrome since I made the switch years ago. Perfectly segregated environments, own logins, passwords, cookies, history, theme, ect, it works flawlessly.

The only negative, and it's incredibly minor, is it's nested behind the hamburger menu top right. It's just an extra click, but I would prefer to have a profile icon next to my pinned extensions there.

So yeah, I think if you want this functionality, you'll be extremely happy when it drops!

[-] DWin@feddit.uk 1 points 3 months ago

What did gog say? I searched for it but all I could find was something about them using #wontbeerased? If that's the one, then what's transphobic about that?

Also is gog part owned by CD project red? What happened with cyberpunk 2077?

[-] DWin@feddit.uk 2 points 4 months ago
[-] DWin@feddit.uk 1 points 4 months ago

Uh oh, I've spent about $2,000 on my racing setup (moza r9 wheel base, SR-P pedals, RS V2 wheel, FSR Formula wheel, and ES wheel) and for me its been worth it, but it is ludicrously indulgent. Raced against (drove in the same race 3s slower a lap) a bunch of F2, F3 and F4 drivers and even Romain Grosjean. I was running on a cheap second hand G27 for 6 years before upgrading though, I would recommend going through that first to make sure you really want to race frequently enough to justify the cost.

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