In theory: yes, most likely. In practice? No.
I’d argue Dresden is rather nice, along with being home to some of these people, it would make them really feel their defeat I think.
As if. We are “digitalising” our government office right now, and have to file all incoming or produced documents physically still…
That’s the biblical way!
Don’t worry: they will sell you purified air soon enough.
Da muss ich jetzt leider eine Lanze für die Bahn brechen: Im Dommer Schottern ist mindestens genau so Risiko behaftet. Damit die Mischungen sich richtig verdichten lassen und danach fest binden braucht es eine gewisse restfeuchte im Material. Der grobschotter den man so sieht ist nur ein Überbau über einem feinkörnigeneren Baukörper. Im Sommer fehlt diese Feuchte immer häufiger, wodurch nie eine Festigkeit im Gleiskörper entstehen kann und die Gleise dann wegrutschen. Im Winter hat man dann halt andere Probleme…. Optimal ist eigentlich ein immer kürzer werdender Zeitraum im Frühjahr/Herbst, aber auch darauf kann man leider nicht mehr wetten.
I don’t like food that talks to me before I eat it.
They argue that people born before 1889 (?) were exposed to a virus similar to the Spanish flu, whereas people born in a timeframe directly thereafter were not. They experienced a different virus that wasn’t as closely related. Thus their antibodies weren’t as prepared.
I’ve seen that one. It’s so 1953….
Those buggers live in Scandinavia I think….
Out of experience: yes, but illegally.
Dogs would be a good example for ring species, which show the outer limits of the species definition, if they they occurred in the wild in their many diverse forms. But since they are not, I’d group them as one species still, as their origin is artificial and so are, at least partly, their means of reproduction.