I love games that you can "play as an appetizer" on a night that includes a "main course"-game afterwards. That's the role I would see for Sushi Go.
Skull I would take to a different kind of meetup. The bluffing stuff does not go down well with my partner, but I have a group of friends I play with every couple of month. We've played cockroach poker during the last two meetups, which is the same slot I would see Skull in.
I love to read this thread. New inspiration week after week.
Can confirm: Many giggles are to be had. It usually comes down to who ever has to take the first card being the prime target afterwards. But I could not imagine playing it with a less close nit group or even strangers.
I'll post here if I had the chance to play Skull with the lads and let y'all know how it went.