Bammed hunger
Officer, im pretty sure its “hi how are you right now”
Two monitors. One is 1440p and mainly for games and other tasks, while the other one is a really old and kinda shitty 1080p monitor i use while im doing stuff on the better monitor. I usually watch youtube or have a discord voice call open, sometimes i use it to have a tutorial or wiki page open like that i dont always have to alt tab and see the page again. Its really useful and i cant stand using a single monitor anymore haha. Thankfully im ok using the steam deck still
Omni man is a philtrumite
Literal translation: Chat, j’ai merdepublié
How any french person would say it (if french people were real): chat, j’ai shit posté
I would have played but my 5 year old system can barely run it…
Wizard of legend is apparently a pretty good game, you can get it for like 5 bucks. No man’s sky is also said to be fun, so is cyberpunk 2077. Both are 50% off and are about 35 bucks Doom and doom eternal are always pretty cheap on seasonal sales, both very fun, and dont require nasa pcs to run well Hades is an incredible roguelite, especially on handhelds like the steam deck. Im not sure if its on sale Speaking of, there might be a sale but idk Slime rancher is super cute, super fun, super chill. Great to relax and to pick up for short or longer sessions. Idk about it being on sale
Shouldn’t have released this way, but its good that they are fixing their mistakes before adding on paid content.
Its probably too complicated to make a sequel cause of licencing and all that bureaucratic stuff
chamallo in french sometimes. otherwise marshmallow
Anarchy chess is leaking again
You also have shit inside you.