18.09.2024 - BVWSC part. II: Canadian Druid in a barbershop

  • Prep: shower
  • Brush: AP Shave Co. Snakeskin handle w/ 26 mm Silksmoke Flattop/Fan hybrid knot
  • Razor: Leaf Thorn
  • Blade: snapped BIC Chrome Platinum
  • Lather: MacDuff's Soap Company - Old Strathcona
  • Post-Shave: Moon Soaps - Old School balm

-> 2 pass head shave, 1 pass face shave. Good shave overall!

Today's BVWSC shave is done with a soap I found really interesting. MacDuff's Soap is an artisan I heard many positive things about; their inspiration from Canadian landmarks and the great outdoors is also something I find intriguing. Plus, featuring their dog on the tub art and in their logo is a huge bonus point with me too.

I really have grown to like barbershop scents, even though as a german I never was inside one at all. Old Strathcona is definitely a very unique take on this genre - once the very generous sample by @sahenders@wetshaving.social showed up, my initial impression was of an old time cologne for mature gentlemen. Luckily, that's not everything!

The soap lathered very fast. Props to MacDuff's Soap base, this one gets slick quick and turns into a beautiful lather with just a bit water added to the brush. Once lathered, the scent turns away from the cologne-style barbershop and more towards something green. Everything makes sense now that I'm reading up the official Scent description . Djundjila and walden also mentioned anise which is described as basil and tarragon; I didn't get much of that (my nose is sus) but much more of a herbal, green and slightly salty cologne (I guess the salty parts come from the mushroom absolute?). Call me weird and maybe it's my ADHD, but I pictured a druid like Miraculix sitting in a old school barbershop chair. Hence today's post title. I really like when a soap takes me on such a little daydream journey, especially on a stressful day like today.

Performance wise, apart from the quick lathering and the good slickness, it's also very skin-friendly. I tested it on both my head and face, each with their individual problematic areas and had no irritation or burn whatsoever. I could see MacDuff's as something I might pick up in the future - I really like unique barbershop scents and this one definitely fits the bill. Thanks sahenders for your suggestion and the generous sample! Compared to CFG Ghost Town Barber, my favourite barbershop and my newest HAGS Barberwood, Old Strathcona is way less sweet. It's earthy, mossy, dark without being divisive. Perfectly suited for the upcoming autumn season!

I apologize for my lengthy writeup and any incoherent rambling that it may contain. Hope it's been at least a tiny bit entertaining for you folks! I'm already looking forward to our next BVWSC shave in October. The sample by @PorkButtsNTaters666@sub.wetshaving.social already arrived yesterday and it also smells very intriguing and mysterious. Have a good night (or day, depending on your time zone)!

I also look forward to it, but it'll be done very late today. Stressful shift...

[-] DaveWave94@sub.wetshaving.social 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

00.00.2024 - Barberwood on the face

  • Prep: warm water
  • Brush: AP Shave Co. Snakeskin handle w/ 26 mm Silksmoke Flattop/Fan hybrid knot
  • Razor: Leaf Thorn
  • Blade: snapped BIC Chrome Platinum
  • Lather: HAGS - Barberwood
  • Post-Shave: HAGS - Barberwood AS toner

-> 2 pass face shave around the goatee. Two weepers in total, but a very comfortable shave regardless.

At the time of writing, there was no post in this thread. So it seems to be my duty to avoid a barren thread today!

The second use of Barberwood, this time on the face... but with better hydrated lather today! I'm still a bit rusty when it comes to face lathering, but it's getting better. Today's brush is possibly my favourite for the even spread of lather it can achieve, so that helped a lot.

This time the soap smelt a bit sweeter, similar to my other HAGS Creatures of the Night . Performance was way better though, the lather was very slick and also hydrated my skin well. The toner continues to impress on the face, as it really feels rich enough that I didn't feel the need for a balm. Since my skin is sensitive and dry in the jaw area, that's rare!

I now have an interesting barbershop scent to compare tomorrow's BVWSC soap against - really looking forward to tomorrow's shave!

Thanks for the reminder! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

16.09.2024 - Barberwood head shave

  • Prep: warm water
  • Brush: RazoRock 400 Noir SE 24 mm
  • Razor: Leaf Thorn
  • Blade: snapped BIC Chrome Platinum
  • Lather: HAGS - Barberwood
  • Post-Shave: HAGS - Barberwood AS toner

-> 2 pass head shave. Rushed, but good.

Only had time for a quick head shave today, but wanted to try the final one of my new soaps - Barberwood, a spicy barbershop scent. Did 2 quick passes to get a good first impression.

Honestly, the Thorn and most SE razors are way nicer for me personally when it comes to shaving my head because due to the stiffer blades/tighter hold of a blade I can replicate the long strokes I used to do with cartridge razors. 2 passes went almost as quick as one with a DE.

Barberwood is my first experience with HAGS Osiris base (again, the amount of bases that they produce is too damn high!). Unfortunately, due to being in a bit of a rush I had no time to dial it in properly and the lather was slightly too dry today as a result. Hmm, live and learn - now I know that it's thirsty and will respect that next time.

As for the scent, it's a typical powdery barbershop with no freshness and a little twist in the form of an almost dark, spicy vanilla-like note to it. I guess those are supposed to be the woody elements. Performance wise, I don't want to judge too much as the lather was subpar as mentioned before. But it was still comfortable to shave with. In terms of skin health, thumbs up - no skin reactions, no burn, feels pretty good. Further uses will show how good it really is, but the HAGS AS toner already gets an A+ from me - a little goes a long way and it just feels great when applied. Plus the scent is amplified even more with it.

Like I said, I'll need further shaves to evaluate it but I'm looking forward to them. So far, it reminds me of CFG Ghost Town Barber, my favourite barbershop soap so far (very much a good thing!)

Sorry, have forgotten to message you that it arrived safely!

First Line Shave - Life & Death

[-] DaveWave94@sub.wetshaving.social 16 points 1 month ago

As someone who suffers a receding hairline since he was 19 and is now 30, shaving my head at 20 was one of the best decisions of my life. It's mostly a confidence issue, as others have already stated. Look at some bald celebrities like Dwayne Johnson, Patrick Stewart, Jason Statham and so forth... They own their look and they look good. If it's only a temporary thing for you, know that hair will grow back soon.

How to deal with it?

  • Sunburn and skin cancer risk is a big issue. Always use sunblock, I personally prefer spray and gel over cream.
  • Headwear is obviously important too for protecting your scalp. Whatever you prefer: caps, bandanas, different hats. Choose one that fits well on your bald head, that means a little smaller than those you used with a full head of hair.
  • Exercise is, as someone else already pointed out, very important when you rock a smooth dome. Looking fit and improving your posture can do wonders for your self confidence.
  • Accessories and jewelry play a very big role too for bald people. Bracelets, necklaces and big aviator sunglasses usually look great.
  • Social: according to a study, fully bald people are usually perceived as taller, more aggressive and dominant than their counterparts. This isn't only positive as it means a lot of people could feel intimidated by you too. Smiling and a helpful, open-minded attitude do wonders there.

In general: if it's only for treating a medical issue and therefore temporary, don't worry too much. You're so much more than just your hair! And hair will grow back with enough patience.

Hooray for Old Strathcona! ๐Ÿฅณ Very interesting choices this time again. It was difficult to pick just one first spot, so I went by my gut feeling. Now I'm really looking forward to trying MacDuffs soap! The scent description sounds very intriguing already. I love barbershop scents with a unique twist, so this could be right up my alley. Thanks to everyone for voting and to @sahenders@wetshaving.social for nominating the winning soap!


After all the stress surrounding my grandma's passing, I needed some "retail therapy". Yes, I know that's not an optimal coping mechanism; but here we are.

So since we had our first BVWSC shave with Abbate Y La Mantia soap, I was curious about the great soap quality and @djundjila@wetshaving.social mentioned that they transitioned fully to hard soaps. Even more curious, I was able to find the first soap in a german webshop that started their shift towards hard soaps: Blue Tobacco, a scent that spoke to me as a former menthol cigarette smoker. Originally, I only wanted some extra items to get free shipping - and then this happened. Clearly I've got no self control...


  • Abbate Y La Mantia Tobacco Blue (Blue Tobacco) shaving soap ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
  • E&S Rasage Shaman shaving soap, plus 3 body soaps (Solstice , Barber and Azur) ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ต
  • HAGS Barberwood soap, witch hazel toner and beard oil ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท
  • Los Jabones de Joserra Masala Connection shaving soap ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฆ
  • Saponificio Varesino sample pack (ALL of their aftershave balms, one beard wash and balm respectively plus a "Pro Victis" skin repair cream) ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
  • MeiรŸner Tremonia Dark Limes beard soap ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช
  • Freebies: Proraso beard wash sample, some self-made thank you stuff and candy

Not going to talk about the body soaps and beard stuff, since this is a wetshaving instance. But I am really curious about the performance of all the shaving soaps! Blu Tobacco is really as I envisioned: a pack of (unlit!) menthol cigarettes on the beach. The aluminium tin is really nice. Shaman by E&S could be quite something for colder months, off the puck it's already dark. Barberwood is a take on a barbershop scent with lots of wood notes added, so a full set was a no-brainer. After my initial scepticism, barbershop scents have really grown on me in the last years. Finally, only from reading the notes on the label, I knew I had to get Masala Connection. It's kinda like someone had taken all of my favourite individual scent notes, threw them together in a fragrance oil and made a shaving soap out of it. Voilร ! Off the puck, it already smells divine. Never had anything by Los Jabones de Joserra before, but as I wanted to try as many european artisans as possible from different countries it made sense to me.

Even though I reside in Germany, I have to admit that I used more American wetshaving soaps than european ones. Unfortunately, artisans from "the old continent" tend to be overlooked. I'll try to put more of a spotlight on wetshaving software from the EU in my upcoming SOTDs... But needless to say, this concludes my wetshaving purchases for this year and the next year probably too. I can really recommend the seller AboutBodyCare though, very friendly thank you card, fast shipping and my package was even perfumed with E&S Solstice EdT.

Now I found myself an old wooden lid from a rituals shaving cream and will press the soap into that to simulate loading from a puck - the BVWSC shave can commence soon ๐Ÿ˜‰

And yes, Bud Spencer++ ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป

I don't know whether Bud Spencer is known in the US of A, and whether youngsters such as @DaveWave94@sub.wetshaving.social know who he is [...]

Haha! I may only be 30, but I also live in Germany - the country which, arguably, has the biggest cult following of Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill. Reference article here. So yeah, of course I know him. His movies already were cult classics in my childhood and are still shown today in german TV, especially on public holidays.

It's great that you don't got any serious allergic reactions to the soap. I still don't know how I'll go about lathering the soap, since I usually just load my brush from the tub and begin lathering directly on my head. However, your comment about the soap needing more volume is very helpful in that regard. Cheers and a great Wednesday to you too!

[-] DaveWave94@sub.wetshaving.social 5 points 2 months ago


  • Prep: warm water
  • Razor: RazoRock Hawk V2
  • Blade: KAI Captain Protouch MG
  • Brush: RazoRock Beehive 28 mm
  • Lather: Moon Soaps - Union
  • Post Shave: Moon Soaps Old School balm; moisturiser

Back into head shaving with a 1 pass shave. I also switched my Lemmy client/app from Eternity to Thunder and now enjoy a bit of a nicer interface after getting more familiar with it...

Shaving my head with the Hawk is very nice, I did this before my late shift and it gave me a good result. Union is lightly mentholated (quite nice for a not so warm day here) and over time, the very fluid old school "balm" has grown on me. I like the pump mechanism. I hope to shave more often now that I'm back at my regular workplace and my home.

Unfortunately I don't feel very well since my grandmother is probably going to die soon and the whole situation has me torn. She wants it and due to her age of 91 and her various ailments, it's the best for her. But it's still my grandma and the process hurts. I'm glad to have my work to distract me a bit.

Weekend Free Talk Thread (sub.wetshaving.social)

Sorry, just now remembered to post our off-topic thread.

Share anything that doesn't necessarily need to be relevant to wetshaving: your weekend plans, recent events in your life, something interesting that's happened. Also music/movie/book recommendations are very welcome.

Bonus prompt question for those who can't think of something to say:
With warmer temperatures creeping up in the northern hemisphere, do you begin to use more mentholated soap/cream/aftershave in the summer months?

Weekend Free Talk Thread (sub.wetshaving.social)

Bots seem to be asleep so I'm jumping in for them ๐Ÿ˜…

How was your week? Share everything off topic (or even cool shaving related stuff) you want to do this weekend. Any plans for traveling, concerts, movies? Music, film or tv recommendations? Personal stories of what's currently happening in your life?
We'd love to hear it here.

Short note: usually this thread is called Free Talk Friday or FTF for short. On the Reddit community, this used to be our "almost anything goes" thread. However, since we're a smaller community here I believe we can extend the thread for the whole weekend so no one must fear an empty thread when they miss posting on Friday.

YourShaving Anniversary Mail Call (sub.wetshaving.social)

Spanish vendor YourShaving had their 11th anniversary sale recently and today my order finally arrived in Germany.


  • Omega Roma Colosseo 31 mm brush: this should now be my thickest brush together with the MOAR BOAR. It's definitely the most dense synthetic. Quality should be a (synthetic) hair under their famous EVO line, but already feels good in its dry state.
  • Leaf Shaving Thorn SE razor, fig colour: a safety razor that is said to be perfectly suited for head shaves and in one of my favourite colours. It's metallic purple, uses half DE blades and feels nice to hold.


  • Barrister and Mann - The Full Measure of Man: a great tobacco-centered scent and it's in the Omnibus base. What more to ask for?
  • Ariana & Evans - Boca Negra: dark, spicy coffee is my first impression. Kaizen 2e base, we'll see how this performs.
  • Wholly Kaw - Transition: chosen by a combination of liking the scent notes, the artwork and the name. It's sweet and a bit gourmand off the puck initially, but not cloying. I hope the other notes come through a bit more once it is lathered.
  • HAGS - YourShaving special edition 11th anniversary soap stick: simply ordered to support them and because I never saw artisan shaving soap in the stick format. I actually would love it if this would become a regular thing, as sticks are great for travel and short trips due to their compact format. The scent? Initial impression is a combination of warm citrus and masculine aquatics. Think AdG mixed with bergamot and lime. Should be a good fit for summer.

Post Shave

  • HAGS - YourShaving special edition 11th anniversary aftershave balm: the balm is a nice creamy consistency, the citrus notes pop out a bit more here.
  • Moon Soaps - Old School post shave balm: consistency is definitely more of a lotion than a balm! Too thin IMHO. Scent is delightfully dark and leathery. Tested on my forearms, it made my skin feel really smooth. The pump mechanism has insane amounts of pressure though - careful not to get this stuff everywhere
  • Osma alum stone: the french gold standard for real alum stones, not just pressed crystals. Great for stopping nicks, weepers and cuts from bleeding.
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