That wall looks like a Portal wall texture
NixOS user here! Fedora is a very good contender as well
One from a fellow student, who didn't know about fork bombs and put one in his .bashrc
, following "advice" from a friend, he never figured out how to fix it and just reinstalled
On my part, it was a server install of YunoHost that I broke by trying to setup an app to use the LDAP provider. Since I needed the YunoHost LDAP password, I messed with some files, broke the LDAP config, but it turns out everything in YunoHost uses LDAP. Including your own user and its associated privileges. So the server was entirely broken, and it was impossible to restore backups because the YunoHost restore tool was also botched by the config errors
Le classement est impressionnant au niveau Européen, les seuls pays plus bas que la France sont l'Azerbaïdjan, l'Arménie, la Turquie et l'Ukraine
Pendant ce temps, nos voisins d'outre-Rhin sont confortablement installés en huitième position, nous sommes clairement à la traîne
For Flatpak apps, along with Warehouse, Flatseal allows you to view and edit permissions for each app, which is not only useful but sometimes mandatory when an app has misconfigured permissions
Coming from France, Framasoft is a big contributor to open-source, privacy-respecting tools
Je ne suis pas surpris par ce rapport, ayant réalisé mon parcours dans une école d'ingénieur spécialisée dans le numérique, ma promotion comportait 4% de femmes en première année, et le chiffre en sortie est plus faible encore
Le plus inquiétant restant le fait que les initiatives pour inciter les jeunes femmes à s'intéresser au numérique sont soit des assocs étudiantes, soit des primes financées par les GAFAMs, ce qui en dit long sur le niveau de parité dans ces milieux
Running /e/OS on a Pixel 3a, only downside is thart system updates have stopped being distributed a while back. Otherwise very satisfied with the experience.
My pick has to be The Linux Experiment, especially his Open Source News Podcast that I listen to every week !
Been running my own instance for a couple months now, just for me and my friends, so that they would stop sharing private pictures on platforms that would process/sell the data. But, as always when it comes to new, privacy-respecting tools, I'm having the hardest time making them move to the platform, despite the fact that the Pixelfed instance itself has been running smoothly.
Money can't buy happiness; but at least you can live miserably in comfort
Relevant xkcd