Nice marketing!
"fundamentalists" ✌️
there's not a single russian medium or person cited or even mentioned in this article. It's, as the title implies, mainly focused on US press coverage.
So this is like an adblocker for irrelevant ingame stuff? Or is it a hack that disadvantages other players?
how generous of you...
China surpasses the west in 'dealing' with countries like afghanistan or those of the african union, because they place a credible prospect of prosperity in the weighing pan instead of exceptionalist arrogance, hypocritical humanism, military superiority and usurious loans.
You only namedropped alexander, whom i'm pretty sure of didn't make 'deals' with afghanistan while trying to conquer it and the rest of the world. So please explain what you mean by 'dealing' if i got it oh 'so wrong.
Looks like an actress in brooding anticipation of the audience's reaction.
The graphics 58,6 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per Year and Child are 266,25% higher than the average americans 16 tonnes and 1365% higher than the global average of 4 tonnes.
~~What are the assumptions on that hypothetical child's lifestyle? Will it roll coal and eat beef jerky 24/7?~~
The Guardian article says that
figure was calculated by totting up the emissions of the child and all their descendants, then dividing this total by the parent’s lifespan. Each parent was ascribed 50% of the child’s emissions, 25% of their grandchildren’s emissions and so on.
Considering the global total fertility rate dropping from now 2.42 childs per woman to 1.66 in 2100, a global sex ratio of 101:100, average age at first child of 28 and a global life expectancy of currently 74.3 years (82.1 in 2100) my crude calculation would look like this:
0.5 * 4t * (74.3 + 28 * ((82.1 - 74.3) / (2100 - 2023))) / 74.3
+ 0.25 * 4t * (74.3 + 56 * ( 7.8 / 77 )) / 74.3 * (2.42 - 28 * ((2.42 - 1.66) / (2100 - 2023))) / (201 / 100)
+ 0.125 * 4t * (74.3 + 84 * ( 7.8 / 77 )) / 74.3 * (2.42 - 56 * ( 0.76 / 77 )) / 2.01
+ 0.0625 * 4t * (74.3 + 112 * 0.1012 ) / 74.3 * (2.42 - 84 * 0.0098 ) / 2.01
+ 0.0313 * 4t * (74.3 + 140 * 0.1012 ) / 74.3 * (2.42 - 112 * 0.0098 ) / 2.01
+ 0.0156 * 4t * (74.3 + 168 * 0.1012 ) / 74.3 * (2.42 - 140 * 0.0098 ) / 2.01
+ 0.0078 * 4t * (74.3 + 196 * 0.1012 ) / 74.3 * (2.42 - 168 * 0.0098 ) / 2.01
+ 0.0039 * 4t * (74.3 + 224 * 0.1012 ) / 74.3 * (2.42 - 196 * 0.0098 ) / 2.01
= 2.076t + 1.148t + 0.518t + 0.228t + 0.1229t + 0.0634t + 0.0327t + 0.0168t + 0.0087t + 0.0045t = 4.2191t @ 10 generations
= 4,2238t @ 25 generations
= 4.2238t @ 50 generations
Even if i quadrupled those 4.23t to match the US citizens average CO2 footprint, 16,89t doesn't even come close to the claimed 58,6.
where's my mistake?
pS: for the calculations I fixated the birth rate at 1,66 starting in generation 5 as well as the age with an estimated maximum of 123 years starting in generation 18.