I am 25
Lmao. That's literally the age humans stop maturing.
You're in your theoretical prime.
Now's the time to make it happen if anything. You can be and do whatever you make of yourself.
I am 25
Lmao. That's literally the age humans stop maturing.
You're in your theoretical prime.
Now's the time to make it happen if anything. You can be and do whatever you make of yourself.
Shape of Water? Really?
I know the top comments are bringing the usual boring answers, but man, I'll take them over pretending that is anywhere close to being bad. There's way too much shit out there worth recognizing, like, the latest stinker is Five Nights at Freddy's.
If someone wants a bottom 30 contender, I suggest looking up A Fish Called Wanda. It has two jokes: Long winded rants and Homophobia. Laugh. I made the delivery better.
Twitch has what now? That's the first (and will be last) time I hear that
Eh? This is not the thing driving people away. The price and lack of varied library is.
In fact, if people were more aware of this, I think it'd be slightly more popular.
signal containers run in in the same cloud provider services as military enterprises
that means signal is in the CIA's pocket
HOLY REACH BATMAN. The explanation is literally that they're 3 degrees detached and then therefore one and the same. What the hell?
I wish everyone who works at zoom a very fruitful soft quitting.
This is all a method to get people to quit so they don't have to list layoff nor have to pay severance.
Fuck them. Go to the office, but give it your 10% at best. Stall things. Claim lack of motivated leadership if HR makes a stink. Make them fire you and get that bread in the meantime.
At 8 hours per day, that's 33 days.
A month at this job and I get paid a million? I'm in.
This is not your conventional toxic workplace. This is ADVANCED toxicity. She resorted to self harm for a day off. That's a type of struggle that can make a company go terminal if the rank and file band together.
This needs to be spread.
I would assume the top answer would be "fuck capitalism" with a sprinkle of "lmao"
Man's 3 poignant inquiries away from peddling Brave. Tread carefully folks.