Yeah, I'm solving my anger by campaigning to get rid of the bigotries that make me angry
Do you mean to argue that I'm not the gender I identify as? The answers to that question are yes and no, and you haven't said either. You're dodging the question again and again because you're afraid to tell the truth. Go on, tell the truth.
I haven't met another drone on the fediverse. I've met other drones.
You would agree that you are born your gender, regardless of physical sexual characteristics like genitals, correct?
No. Nobody is born a man, woman, boy, girl, or anything else. Babies have no gender. Gender identity begins developing at age 2-3, solidifies at age 4, and continues to develop into adulthood. In some people, such as genderfluid people, it never solidifies into a single state. Psychologists have demonstrated that gender forms during early childhood at length. Sociologists have for a very long time said that gender is a social construct (NOT a biological one), and have pointed out that different cultures have different numbers of genders. Do you think it's a cosmic coincidence that bissu-gender people are only born in Bugis society and not in other cultures? No. The bissu gender, like all genders, is socially formed.
Ghost ship warframe time
conditions were so bad some countries had to order officers to shoot soldiers that were ignoring orders or even organizing revolutions.
They didn't have to. They chose to. They could have let the soldiers go home and not had a war. They could have just kept playing soccer after Christmas was over.
Some of these websites are so simple that publishing an article takes as much effort as posting a Lemmy comment. There used to be a difference, but there isn't anymore.
Saryn is the genderest warframe and has caused many trans girls to crack their eggs
I simply cannot imagine a mind so simple that it would laugh with the transphobia here, unless it were a child's
They are not for eating
What about their extended cuts? They don't need those.
No, the problem is that you don't understand homonyms.