Can you expand on that? Good news in American politics would be a nice change.
"I like center-left policies"
"I like my policies further to the left"
"Aight let's fight and make sure as few people as possible vote"
Meanwhile, the conservatives are laughing all the way to the bank.
Liberal and leftist are both very vague terms with several definitions that place them both in very different places in the political spectrum.
You should just use other, clearer terms.
Come to think of it, I've heard that all my life but never questioned it. Is it really true for all of them?
Why would used games cost more than new ones?
Oh, I meant spermicide creams in place of condoms.
I didn't know about the spermicide condoms at all.
The return of mustaches.
Interesting! I didn't know there was a movie. The version I saw on stage was even more over-the-top (very stereotypical gay coded)
Reviewers were really happy they swapped the optical one for an ultrasonic one on the latest Pixel.
Cheering because they gave us the slightly less bad version of something terrible.
No one asked for this, you dimwits!
I'm surprised that happens! Seems like a complicated mistake to make.
URLs aren't case-sensitive though, so wouldn't those necessarily have another kind of differentiator?
Get a Nintendo console. Nintendo Games are absolutely a gateway drug. They're high quality and generally very easy to get into.