I work 4x10 wfh and I'm more productive than the people that go into the office despite spending no less than half the day playing videogames.

If the system had any legitimacy, Trump wouldn't have been given office the first time due to violating both emoluments clauses much less allowed on the ballot the second time while being an impeached felon.

Even if you think the results of this election are legitimate (both Trump and Elon have as much as said they are not) the GOP has made no secret of P2025 or their goals of cracking down on blue states in future elections.

The slow road to fascism still leads to fascism. Democrats and Republicans are the gas pedal of imperialism. One pushes softly. One pushes hard. Before you argue consider the insanity of Greenland is basically exactly how we took Hawaii. Democrats are largely just good cop convincing you to fuck yourself over for the system. http://politicalcompass.org/uselection2016

Firstly, there are many reasons third parties aren't possible but the largest is basically the Constitution mandating simple majority voting which naturally falls into a duopoly. A third party either cripples or replaces the one it's closest to. CGPGrey can explain it further: https://www.cgpgrey.com/politics-in-the-animal-kingdom

Then you have to understand Democracy is a political system and capitalism is an economic one. In simplest terms, capitalism is a small group of capitalists that own the factories and get all the profit set opposite a large group of workers that sell their lives an hour at a time. The US has a legal fiduciary duty to shareholders which basically means profit must always be maximized. This is the constant pressure on wages to stay down and prices to go up. That doesn't sound inherently terrible until you read into SEC EDGAR filings and find out that the overwhelming majority of every privately traded company is basically owned by BlackRock and cellar boxing has been used to rob American pensions and cripple American businesses including cancer treatments. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/owpfc3/will_the_real_gme_bbemg_please_stand_up_part_1/

A democracy relies upon educated, competent citizens. Educated, competent citizens think critically, get engaged in politics, want clean water, safe working conditions, and well paying jobs. All of those hurt profits. What more people need to understand is capitalism will always have an intrinsic need to undermine democracy.

What's more, democracy undermines democracy when it's a representative republic wherein only the wealthy can run for office on platforms approved by the wealthy. The DNC and RNC are both privately owned corporations that say who can run on that ballot. All the talk of term limits is further myopic, ignorant self sabotage as there is only a shortage of competent, principled people willing to spend their life in public service. There is no shortage of amoral self serving opportunists for corporations to push through election after election. Eventually you just lose the institutional memory of all the competent individuals.

We're supposedly a nation of the people, by the people, for the people, but once Corporations became people, they became the only people that mattered. 75% of theft is corporate wage theft but you can't arrest corporations because they don't have hands.

This is without factoring in the decades conservatives have spent filling government with end of days dominionists and out right fascists.

This "blue no matter who" bullshit is a different flavor of "lesser evil" that got us here because you can't fix a system when it's working exactly as intended. The founding fathers never wanted Joe Everyman voting because they knew he was a fucking moron. Voting was limited to land owning gentry because they were wealthy enough to not have to work and were able to learn.

All of our failing points are intentional. They don't want smarter people. They don't want more people voting. They want servile minions.

As someone that's lived on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, I would say it's more like see if the water is toxic before you eat the fish. Assuming the fish must be good is asking for problems but it sounds like you just might enjoy diarrhea.

This is a good question but you're going to get a wild range of information because of a number of factors.

That number is a good starting point but it's likely low especially if you're physically active or using a vegan/vegetarian source.

Also, something one must keep in mind is that the vast majority of research in the field is built on the fundamental assumption carbs should be the largest part of the diet which is likely wrong as the body seems to run better the less sugar you give it.


That was entirely the reason I used it and I'm surprised you can't digest what I'm saying.

It's not news yet it's the most popular "news" network on television. Despite poling showing people that watch it are less informed than people that watch no news at all, nothing has been done specifically because it's serving it's intended role: misinforming the gullible and setting a lower bar for MSNBC and CNN to be seen as real news instead of telling you how to feel about what you're told about.

Being selectively informed by a media outlet isn't the same thing as factual journalism.

One of the huge roles of Fox News is to lower the bar for what's considered 'actual' journalism by different outlets owned by the same billionaire class.

The Overton Window has been shrinking and drifting right for decades. There is no left in the United States. https://politicalcompass.org/uselection2004

“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and Black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or Black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and Blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”


Viet Nam was very unpopular directly due to front line coverage we don't really get anymore as a result of Reagan nuking the fairness doctrine and birthing Fox News to drag all other media right filing it with ads and misinformation.

Democrats are not left because "left" starts at identifying capitalism as a net bad rather than net good.

Bro... John Oliver is a comedian and doesn't consider himself a journalist: https://www.npr.org/2016/02/12/466569047/is-john-olivers-show-journalism-he-says-the-answer-is-simple-no

He's also not a billionaire nor own the show or the network it's on.

Like you're agreeing that the media outlet is under orders to shape the narrative... But then somehow take the individual journalists leaking things they were ordered not to as some perverse reason to still trust the outlet?

I'm not even sure what you're trying to say as your defense of the American press is a British comedian and an admission a billionaire shapes WaPo's narratives.

You are all over the map.

I have no issue with journalists, but you're not going to find them on an entertainment channel. The Washington Post was rubber stamping war profiteering before Bozos bought them.

The majority of outlets are owned by an ever concentrating number of billionaires. Blind trust is the last thing you want to give them.

Cells within cells.


This post is unsettling. While LLMs definitely aren't reasoning entities, the point is absolutely bang on...

But at the same time feels like a comment from a bot.

Is this a bot?


In addition to the link, when Mondale got absolutely destroyed by Reagan, he still managed to flip 30 counties across the country.

Despite getting more votes than Biden in some areas, Harris didn't flip a single county anywhere in a far closer race.


This is as close to factual reporting as we're likely to see for a minute. This isn't satire; it's sociopolitical commentary.

Every day is basically just trying to not kill myself at every turn because I have a daughter and pets to care for and I hate every day.

My ex had it and it's the reason we broke up. Being drunk all the time/at random and not aware is problematic to say the least.

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