In Sweden people generally dont drive around in dinosaur-sized car, but they have been increasing lately. Yesterday I had my first personal experience of how much of an issue they are. I was in line for a left-turn in a crossing and noticed that the last car from the opposite side was also gonna turn left. The 2 cars in front of me already crossed the road and head left, i drive forward just a moment later than the huge RAM from the other side and notice a Nissan Micra that is heading straight towards me instead of turning. It was completely hidden behind the monster car and neither me nor the drivers in front of me in my lane had noticed it. Cars of that size not only endanger pedestrians by not seeing them but also obscure general traffic scenarios. They should not be allowed on the street tbh..
I would use the man pages but my working laptop uses Windows and since the system died i dont have any way to check them until I get home.
Thank you a lot for the answer though, that does explain a lot!
Bringa back Hats! Ive said this many times, but we need to bring Möre headwear into fashion. Hats go hard.
This is the most banger tattoo though. Random answers to a test that could potentially exist in the future.
Average Reddit comment.
- Attempts to roast everyone in the thread and dreail the thread itself by attempting to be "funny".
- Contributes nothing to the discussion.
- Is the reason why circle jerk threads begin at all.
You: 🤡
Windows Recall does NOT require NPU hardware to run. Currently Recall has been tested on Windows 11 with only a CPU and it seems to be fully operational. Of course performance is not as good as with an NPU. I believe Microsoft will try to push AI to local computing by only enabling on computers with NPUs to begin with. In the future it will most likely be able to be enabled on PCs which does not have an NPU but with a warning of bad performance in front of it.
When is this movie releasing? I'd love to watch it
I've been using Nobara for some time and it's amazing. Nice installer and gets all drivers and fixed applied from the get go. Also it is maintained by GloriousEggroll himself.
Thanks for TL;DR
Felt good the day I told HR they didnt need to invest any more resources to "help" me. I was done and the boss clearly didnt care about having me around so I told them to fire me.
What do you mean, I'm a web dev and that looks completely normal.
I mean, someone should get banned from cheating. I can see why this happen though, since the account playing does not own the game the account which has the game linked gets banned instead. If the account cheating has the game they are instead playing on their copy and that gets banned instead (i assume).
However the ban should be linked to the account and not the copy of the game. I do not understand why this isnt the case. Maybe because someone could just make a new account and link that to play on instead, therefor never having to buy more than one copy of the game while cheating.