Absolutely, and all the people that now have the artifacts benefit in keeping the status quo, so there is effectively little push to solve a very complex problem.
Is the generation of wealth really the end goal, though?
On top of that, yes I agree that there are various declinations and modifications of capitalism. And yes, democratic socialism is still a version of capitalism, but one where the harshest edges of capitalism have been significantly smoothed over. Looking at Europe, they are also under capitalism, but implemented significant socialist policies, and the problems there are less extreme than in US. And still, this meme would apply.
Same here: very far from top result, and links to this same article.
How old is she?
Kids mimic: has she seen you postponing your own “homework” until the last minute? Cooking, cleaning up and so on? In particular since you said that’s your genes at work.
Do you offer her a good moment to do her homework? Like a quiet time as soon as you both get home during which nothing exciting happens or can happen?
These are just suggestions from my own childhood, so feel free to discard everything, but I hope they can be useful to start some brainstorming!
Me too! Makes the political memes even more fun! (I like watching the world burn, on many metaphorical levels at once)
Math is life!
I mean postdoctoral researcher with teaching duties. For the research part, I agree, but teaching was at a fixed time and in-person.
So cute!
Peanut butter. Somehow, I like peanuts well enough, but I can’t stand peanut butter. It’s literally the only food I avoid, and the only food I had a rough reaction to while pregnant. I’d like to at least not hate it, but I have such a gut reaction to eating it, I don’t see a future I would ever get over it.
Multi-generational households have been a thing for most of human history, and having a kid really highlights why! I can’t imagine having to take care of my kid 24-7 “for ever”, I’m so glad kindergartens exist!
New parent here. I used to think that if your kid was crying you were doing something wrong. I discovered that babies just cry. That’s the only way they can communicate, so it happens all the time. And there are different types of cry and not all of them are fixable. So now my baby at times cries in public.
My kid started hating waking up from his daily nap. I still don’t understand why or how, but at least half of the times, he wakes up so mad! And there seems to be nothing to do. At times he gets more mad if you try to comfort him. Sometimes taking in a soothing voice helps, but not always. Often giving him his pajama pants helps -and that’s the only time in the day he requires them. I don’t know if it counts as tantrum, but i can’t classify it as anything else… we usually wait it out, can take up to 20 minutes of screeching.