Its just that i never had any problems with any italian or french isp, and I upload 100gbs or more daily
netflix limits you to incredibly low bitrate if youre using their webpage
It doesnt seem to work for me. Is there a toggle in the settings maybe? Didnt find any..
'Keyboard swipe'? Wdym? I think i might have missed something..
I did reboot several times during my first try.. Idk.. Now it works, but its still a mistery why..
Yeah, cups is truly amazing. Dont know about your issue with usbs drives tho; sorry..
I have a ds640 (an usb scanner), and I've spent maybe 2 hours installing&reinstalling&removing drivers from the aur. Nothing worked. Installed Fedora just to see if things worked over there (as fedora is officially supported by brother) and things worked perfectly. Then i booted on my arch install arch once again, AND EVERYTHING WORKED. Alleluia. But I still don't know why, as I didn't touch nothing between last time i tried and now. Idk.
Aaahh, you mean that. Yeah, it's annoying.
Thanks, ill look into it
Thanks a lot for your suggestion.
rx580. still have it on top of a shelf.