[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

It depends on your threat model. Using tor via a know vpn endpoint does make you stand out and can be used to profile your traffic. One of the main points of tor is that all users look exactly the same.

If you have e.g. one user out of a 100 using a vpn endpoint instead of some residential ip address that user immediately becomes a much more interesting target. There is information floating around in the web that state actors have control over several entry and exit nodes.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 1 points 1 month ago

On a related note. Why would creators add sponsored segments/other sponsoring/patreon etc if YT pays them enough?

spoilerYT doesn't pay them enough. Unless your some kind of super star.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Even youtube doesn't pay the creators that much. Lois Rossman in a recent video showed some of his video in YT that had over 200k views and generated ~100 USD of income.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 1 points 1 month ago

Even university students studying computer science don't have this basic knowledge anymore.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 1 points 2 months ago

Been using Fastmail for like 10 years and their service has been superb. Planning to move to a provider within the EU. Probably Mailbox as Tuta doesn't, at the moment, have a move your stuff from a previous provider service.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 1 points 2 months ago

In no particular order: Fastmail, Tutanota, Mailbox, Proton mail.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 1 points 2 months ago

Enabling DoH with max protection probably solves that.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 1 points 3 months ago

If developers want to make a desktop application they should use proper cross platform desktop frameworks like QT or GTK or even JavaFX instead of a webpage disguised as an application.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi -4 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

A cpu (core) can only do one thing at a time. When you have multiple cores you can do multiple things at the same time. Multitasking in programming sense is a bad term, it's a term more for the masses.

Bit simplified:

  • concurrency: you seem to be doing multiple things at the same time. In reality they are run little by little one after another. Doesn't really speed things up.
  • parallelism: you actually run multiple things at the same time (multiple cpus/cpu cores required). If the code scales properly or is designed to truly run in parallel the speed up is relative to the number of cpus available.

Edit: It's much more complex subject then I've presented here.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 0 points 1 year ago

Yes its the same document. The only thing I did is “open a copy” because the document was locked in the other editor.

If you just copy paste something it's not the same. If you want to make a true comparison you have open the same file in both.

People share unfinished documents with each other and formatting should hold, otherwise how can you collaborate?

And I was talking about finished documents.

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