This is or was part of their anti-spam/flooding protection.
That's the official explanation. A phone number is a nice way to attach a real world identity to the data (which of course is sold to advertisers/data brokers etc).
This is or was part of their anti-spam/flooding protection.
That's the official explanation. A phone number is a nice way to attach a real world identity to the data (which of course is sold to advertisers/data brokers etc).
I'll add shift + f6 for refactor rename and ctrl + 6 for redefining your function i.e. add/remove parameters and/or return value.
You do have a Void
type in Java if you really must specify a return type and don't want to return anything e.g. services and their tasks in JavaFx. The Task must have a return type thus you can use Void if the task doesn't actually return anything.
Great game. They also update it regularly with new content for free. There's a new paid expansion coming soon.
Edit: Currently have played it for 740h.
I use that myself though haven't sent a sms/mms in like > 10 years. Anyhow FOSS > stock spyware any day. The fossify project has many other useful tools as well.
Best Fallout game ever.
There's a dialog within the program to enter your key though I haven't checked if it connects to the internet at that point. I use an account so I can easily use it on several computers.
Nice list.
Some comments
It's updating your desktop so that's why it does that. The safest way is to log out of your desktop session and login via terminal (press ctrl+alt+f1 to get to one) and run zypper dup
Install the pam_kwallet package. Then it will automatically unlock on login.
Google is lying to you. They don’t want your phone number to “verify it’s you”. They want your phone number because it’s an effective measure against bot accounts.
There you're correct that they are lying and don't want the number to verify. They want it so they can link the profile they have to an actual person. That'll make the profile more valuable to them. Better tracking etc.