[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 7 points 3 weeks ago

For the purposes of the average person the tech guy in your op is absolutely 100% correct.

All the platforms listed use transport encryption and that’s enough to avoid mitm surveillance which is enough for most people.

Most people’s “threat model” is the police or a pi. All the apps listed including signal have to comply with orders from American police and have “sidechain attacks” that involve stuff like getting some member of the groupchat’s device and scrolling up or tricking someone into giving up sensitive information.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 7 points 3 weeks ago

Privacy from whom?

I ask because the easiest way to do what you’re asking is to have your local record store sell you shit and pay in cash (that you’ve laundered so the serial numbers don’t match the atm). You can even be like “I’m trying to get away from computers man, can you order me this off eBay?” And guaranteed if you spent a hundred bucks or so on used releases they’ll say “absolutely!”

Of course, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb and have a lie to keep up with, so you’ll not have any real measure of anonymity.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 6 points 4 weeks ago

My understanding is that the rust code in question implemented parts of the c dma interface so that rust programs could use that instead of the c dma interface.

I’m out in the world, not sitting in front of a computer with the source open so that guess will have to do for now.

The most immediate problem with having two different dma interfaces is that now you have two maintainers and an extra step at best when making any changes.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 month ago

You can’t use xscreensaver on wayland.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago

If it’s an asus ee, the vents are all on the sides. With a couple of shims underneath it would fit in a bookshelf with a bunch of other books.

As far as uses… nat hole punching for an overlay network is one way I’ve used these devices before.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 month ago

It’s not p2p but at least many years ago:


If the Internet outage is local then the towers would still work and you’d be able to get texts. I went through a few storms where wired home internet was down, the towers weren’t giving me a data connection (no mobile web browsing or anything), but I was able to send and receive texts.

If you really care about what you’re asking after, do what someone else said and get a radio license. It’s 150 year old technology and every time something happens radio operators pop up some kind of emergency communications or bridge to the internet through repeaters or something.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago

They make little ones for stuff like motorcycles and tractors. Just make sure it’s 12v, because atv batteries are 6v I think.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago

Car battery works.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago

It’s 孟子 for anyone wondering

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


E: okay, it’s not fair to just tell you the answer when you’re already broadcasting a desire to read a bunch of stuff so here goes:

If you want to see analysis and consideration of the right from an outside perspective you ought to be on hexbear or grad. Both instances don’t have near as many sky is falling posts or comments and trend towards figuring out why something is happening within the framework of doctrinaire Marxism Leninism or imperialism or at least what should be done to mitigate the effects rather than having a big ol hissy fit over it.

If, as is implied by your post and comments (“ good spirited debate”, “ opposing and novel”, celebrated and debated“, “ worthy of discussion or debate”), you just wanna see people fight each other online then check out reddit, x (the everything app) and facebook where that happens often.

If you have, and this is a reach, the desire to understand people who you think are on that right wing spectrum around you in real life, go talk to them. People love telling you what they think and when they don’t it’s because they know something you don’t or they’re up to something.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 month ago

Hexbear was right about downvotes.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 month ago

Just a heads up for people reading this:

小红书 is a Chinese language app (it added translation just a week or so ago!). The founder claims to have chosen the color red and the 红 part of the name because of his Alma mater stanford [!]. The app is pretty much targeted at lifestyle influencers and women and features prominent shopping and payment integration.

English speakers nicknamed the book Quotations from Chairman Mao the “little red book”. The Chinese nickname is 红宝书 “treasured red book” or “cherished red book”, not “little red book”.

Many posts on 小红书 are making light of the fact that Americans flocked to the bored housewife shopping app.

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