[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 weeks ago

Some distributions have that. Some have it built into the tools like arch. For some you just boot your installation media and run only the “install bootloader” step.

About the only universal way is to boot usb, pivot-root or chroot to switch to the installed system you wanna run and do grub-install, although you need to understand a few things about your system to not make errors.

Once you pick something to stick with, go ahead and look up its process. Think of it like practicing changing a tire in the grocery store parking lot before you actually need to do it on the side of the road.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 weeks ago

You have some good answers and some bad answers here.

It’s not the fault of the people answering, what you’re asking has been piecemeal and scattershot in implementation over the last decade so everyone has some bizarre response they came up with to be happy.

Allow me to share mine: use a kvm switch.

The switch lets you plug two computers into one keyboard, video, and mouse. But you’re gonna just use the video part. Plug it into both your motherboards and gpus video ports and push the button to switch back and forth between the gpu for gaming and the motherboard for everything else.

Why only gaming? Because everything else you reference can make use of a gpu that’s not being used for video. I guess some game engines support rendering frames and then sending them to another output device but that’s not something to rely on.

So when you’re using blender you see the model on your monitor plugged into the motherboard but the heavy lifting is done by the gpu. When you transcode a video the same thing happens.

I came to this solution after trying to do what you’re asking for in x11 and having a bunch of headaches about it everytime an update would come down.

Pushing a little button on the desktop was easier than messing around with software to make a rube Goldberg contraption to do the same thing. Mine had two leds on either side to indicate which “computer” I was using at the time. I ended up wrapping electrical tape around the rim to cover them both up and cut out the word “turbo” from the tape over the green led that indicated I was looking at the gpu.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah wouldn’t it be nice…

But the most considerate thing for the user is to help them use what they want to use. There’s also a real benefit to keeping ahold of that windows because people often have their own ways of doing things and it may be more expedient to boot back into 10 than to figure out how to complete some task in Linux.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 weeks ago

I was gonna say pit vipers but they’re American.

You should get some vipes anyway, they make a safety rated ballistic pair.

Once I had a pair bought from someone on eBay break on me and they just wanted to confirm there was a joke written on the frame before sending a replacement pair for free. I think I had to pay shipping or something but standing behind an eBay purchase from a third party is cool.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 weeks ago

Learn cacti

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

If the op has their information in emails and doesn’t want to move it somewhere else then pgp is a good way to at least secure those emails a little.

I don’t think it’s a panacea, but as methods of encrypting email go it’s widely supported enough that a person whose private information is stored in email will be able to figure something out.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

That looks like m855 in the picture and it’s penetrator is steel, not tungsten…

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

God bikeshare ebikes suck so much.

Hello, I’d like your worst frame with the cheapest motor, smallest wheels, wrong kind of tires, a sprocket with a non whole number of teeth and uhhhhh lemmie get two years of no maintenance other than a hose off and some touch up paint.

Honestly I think you’re right. A person making the choice about what to own free from any other constraints would be thinking like you. I think Chinas right to push people towards using lead acid on e-bikes in the face of lithium scarcity and trade restrictions too.

It’s just two different situations that indicate different choices.

Apropos of nothing, are you seeing usbc e-bike battery charging coming down the pike? I was seeing some rumblings a few years ago last time I built one.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

What specific data?

You can’t keep information you put on their platform or your habits of use on that platform “safe” from it.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

That will* work.

*actually figure out what you’re trying to maintain privacy from and set up your icloud account appropriately.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you, my comment was intended to add the context that might help English readers understand how the natural conclusion they would reach after learning that the app name directly translates to “little red book” isn’t necessarily true.

For me, as an American English speaker the natural conclusion would be that it’s an application designed by maoists in order to discuss Maoism when it’s actually designed for integrated ecommerce.

[-] Gayhitler@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/(your drive)

You can do status=progress if you want like someone else posted and if you pick a block size go with either the physical block size reported by the disk in smartcontrol or some multiple of it that coincides with a big even division of your controllers memory. The drives physical block size will be “easy” for the drive, bigger blocks are faster.

People saying physical destruction are operating in a different world than you and people saying urandom or shred are operating off old (>30 years) information. The same technology that makes ssds unrecoverable black boxes was originally developed and deployed in spinning drives to eek out speed gains because the disk itself can be expected to know better than the operating system where to put shit and makes techniques (which were postulated but never actually implemented successfully in the wild) to recover overwritten data infeasible.

Alternately just reformat it and don’t worry. No one doing drive rmas cares about your data. They’re already on the razors edge with feedback and customer trust, you think they’re gonna burn their above board bread and butter to run a harvesting operation for a few bucks on the side? That’s usually the purview of your local pc repair shop…

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