What’s a good VPN service? Is Proton still good?
Last I heard, torrents would leak your actual IP. Has that been fixed?
Apple is a US based company. For them to just roll over sets a bad precedent, especially for our fascists who are now running the show here.
What’s to stop the US government from going after the same services here? What’s about Tor or VPN services?
The authoritarians will smell blood in the water after this. Since the big player just gave up, who will stand in their way?
I’m not a liberal. I just call the rot where I see it, and suggest it be cut out. Where’s Mario’s brother when you need him?
Powhatan should have 💀 them as they came ashore. That’s one thing I would fix with a time machine.
I second this ~a 13th great grandchild of Powhatan.
cordyceps has entered the chat
No, the only thing I wish would center around the US is an asteroid. I absolutely hate it here, but I don’t have the means to leave.
One of my in-laws has dual England/US citizenship. They divide their time between the two countries. It directly effects them.
Is it wrong to hope it hits the specific city I live in? 😅
The UK is part of 5 Eyes. They swap info on citizens among members. No warrants, no constitutional protections. All they have to do is ask MI5 for info on Americans with dual citizenship.
Go to an electronics recycling center and get a retired thinkpad (or 5). Once they’re decommissioned by corporations, they wipe the drive and send them off to be recycled.