It's very easy to fear becoming the minority when you are willing to treat minorities like they're sub-human. This is the divide: it's not that I don't think the world is becomming less white; it's that I don't care. I WANT diversity, and I am willing to become a minority in support of that. Hopefully in a world where diversity is the standard, one wouldn't need to be afraid of being a minority.
No one thinks Gaben is the second coming. His platform just, actually doesn't suck, and genuinely functions as a service to its users. It's a low bar, sure, but it's a good one. Comparing it to Microsoft axeing any studio that produces something worth talking about while they force more datascraping malware and adware into Windows is just dishonest.
Your comment reads more like you get off on being controversial than having actual insightful thoughts and the comparisons in what these three companies you listed are actually doing.
Every single time I have played an Annapurna published game, I had a fantastic time. I won't say that everything they did was equal, but everything they did was entertaining, and thought-provoking.
I can't quite follow the legalese required to parse EXACTLY what this means going forward, but I am sure it is not good, and that is disappointing.
Using AI to automate collusion while holding no personal accountability.
"But what if the invisible hand was an AI algorithm?"
Them choosing the "difficult path of faith" explains at least part of the reason for why they are so unempathetic.
And why there are so many closeted homosexuals in their ranks.
It's easy to believe sexuality is a choice when you're constantly fighting your "deviant" urges.
A strictly anti-capitalist fever dream adventure RPG getting completely consumed and milked by greedy capitalists who added nothing of value to its creation is peak this timeline.
Imagine calling the difference between people who do stupid things and people who are born with diagnosed mental illnesses "splitting hairs".
It's very, very simple. In one case, you are attacking someone who is completely in control of their mental facilities. In the other, you are attacking people who are literally incapable of defending themselves, from birth. They are not synonymous. If you think that level of punching down is okay, then be as indignant and self-righteous about it as you want, but you deserve to be told.
It's no great secret that the Trump administration was peddling in vaccine misinformation.
The only surprise here is how much damage it caused in the Philippines in particular.
The article is great, but I hate this title.
“We are living in a post-Constitutional time,” Vought wrote in a seminal 2022 essay, which argued that the left has corrupted the nation’s laws and institutions.
The "post-constitutional" world in the title is the way Russ Vought describes the current political landscape. It is not, as the title insinuates, something he used to describe the future he aims to create.
This guy is a fascist nut job with a ton of insane ideologies. We don't need dishonest titles to make him look bad.
What a misleading title. Actively developed live games that started more than six years ago is not the insinuation that this title suggests. People aren't spending 60% of their gaming time playing 6+ year old content.
Reddit lost. Corporate won. Reddit was much larger than their CEO.
Jesus christ, we're still polling on values like nationalistic pride? Don't get me wrong, we're not doing awesome right now, but fervent, aimless pride in the piece of rock I was born on isn't something I value.
Actually, after reading the article: the collective response for "I have a deep emotional attachment to my country" and "I am attached to my country as long as it continues to provide a decent quality of life" was 84% in 1991, and is 81% as of the most recent poll. People are just substantially more inclined to agree with the latter. So we've moved away from blind, fervent nationalism, and instead recognize that the goal of the state should be to provide a good quality of life for it's citizens, and agree that Canada is doing a good job of this.
...fucking good? Nationalism is down, and satisfaction with our country remains the same. This is a win, and it's kind of insulting that the headline, and discussion here, tries to suggest otherwise.