I thinks that’s a really good point. Coming up with a couple at most points of deviation that allow for new technologies.
The premise of the expanse, for example, hyper efficient ship propulsion. It’s not explained how, but this single change allowed for the solar system to be treated as a navigable setting. At least until the alien stuff.
Blindsight was amazing, I really loved that one. It’s not exactly the most sci-fi aspect of it, but I really enjoyed the horror of a human variant that was predatory towards other human variants as an explanation for the vampire myth. Like, imagine being in a cave tending the fire knowing a predator just as human as you could be out there. Shiver inducing.
I’ll check out “revaluation space”, being mentioned alongside “blindsight” is a strong recommendation.
I don’t know where it’s from, sounds almost like something Pratchett would write. I’m fairly certain the Hitchhiker FTL was based off probability.
I oscillate between: “it’s done for the lolz”and “only somebody like this would actually dedicate themselves to cracking denuvo for (almost) free”.
I totally agree that it makes the world more interesting. It’s like if Tom Bombadil had a pegging fetish. The unexplained is needed to add some magic to the world, and if it were to be understood the allure would be lost.