[-] GucciMane@hexbear.net 24 points 6 months ago

Right-opportunism and tailism on my hexbear? It's more common than you think

If Galloway was completely immovable on green energy/trans rights, I don't think he'd be offering Corbyn to lead his party

Stalin would've had them both shot. Your thoughts on that?

[-] GucciMane@hexbear.net 19 points 6 months ago

Kind of interesting that the name works though, considering that the jacobins were bourgeois liberal revolutionaries.

[-] GucciMane@hexbear.net 38 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

He condemned Hamas and Oct 7th when it happened lol. For me the dividing line would be recognizing the Al Aqsa Flood as genuine expression of colonized people under military dictatorship fighting for liberation, rather than an act of "terrorism" against "innocent civillians" (which is what Lula characterised it as in his condemnation).

Though it's a different context, I think in State and Revolution, Lenin says something similar, that the real mark of a revolutionary (or something along those lines) is not just in recognizing the class struggle, but embracing the dictatorship of the proletariat.

[-] GucciMane@hexbear.net 37 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I don't have books that disprove your idea besides general Marxist and Maoist works, but approaching from a Maoist perspective, I would critique the first part of your thoughts because I think it falls way to deeply into great man theory.

If the communist movement faltered because of the death of people like Fred Hampton, then the movement was weak to begin with and probably would have faltered anyway had those people stayed alive/true to the cause. Successful communist movements do not rely on strong role models, as you put it. You can have all the strong role models you want but it really means nothing if: a) the internal strength of the vanguard party is weak, b) the relationship between the vanguard party and the oppressed masses is weak, c) the unity of the united front is weak, d) the conditions necessary for revolution simply aren't present (crises, specifically)

  • As formulated by Huey Newton with his theory of "revolutionary suicide", but also just by intuition, the death of a great number of people, civilians and revolutionaries alike, is inevitable in revolutionary war. Any revolutionaries like Hampton that were killed by the state may have been killed later on when the movement shifted to people's war. How many "great, strong" revolutionaries do you think were killed during the Long March? A proper vanguard party and united front should be prepared for this inevitability by maintaining strong internal unity, linking themselves firmly with the masses, political education etc. Or do you think the solution would have been to wheel Fred Hampton in like a bulletproof steel vessel or something, lest he be destroyed?
  • There were plenty of great revolutionaries who existed contemporaneously to Fred Hampton -- he certainly wasn't the only "great revolutionary" of his time. Many of them either a) fell to revisionism (Angela Davis, Eldridge Cleaver) b) were killed, imprisoned, or exiled for life by the state (Imam Jamil al Amin, Mumia Abu Jamal, Assata Shakur) c) or just died of natural causes after a life of being a successful revolutionary (Kwame Ture).
  • The New Left of the 60's, and their organizations and revolutionaries, were plagued by a great number of internal issues (misogyny, improper political education, splits/lack of unity, lacking security measures, adventurism), and these issues led them to be especially susceptible to being vanquished by the state powers. IMO this is what actually led to the downfall of the BPP and the other 60's orgs, not so much Fred Hampton's death.

and in a formal sense, by pushing parents and teachers that would pass those revolutionary behaviors and lifestyles down to their students to the periphery of livelihood and often killing them through social murder.

Don't know what you mean by this, you could either elaborate using more accessible/clear language, or I can accept it if the question isn't meant for me lol.

[-] GucciMane@hexbear.net 15 points 8 months ago

It's not a valid excuse.

[-] GucciMane@hexbear.net 28 points 9 months ago

You're seeing the opinions of the western left, and in our countries our movements have only just been rebounding after decades of very harsh repression and propaganda, so it'll take more time, struggle, and political development for people to see the difference between social democracy and revolutionary society. It is unfortunate, but for now, many will be captivated by the former.

[-] GucciMane@hexbear.net 24 points 9 months ago

Another big gripe is that social-democracy is just capitalism, and we are opposed to capitalism.

but that criticism doesn't really hold up when you ARE the global south and it's your resources getting plundered by imperialists

For the same reason, it doesn't work to materially improve conditions for the 3rd world. The only solution is revolutionary socialism.

[-] GucciMane@hexbear.net 30 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Seriously it’s fucking nuts. I saw a post on r/judaism, which is a thoroughly zionist sub that I lurk sometimes to see what zionists are saying, about a person complaining that they didn’t feel comfortable wearing a sweater with a latke on it to a party, something really inane like that, because they were scared of antisemitism.

Actually here is the post, just found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Judaism/s/ZkIh2l7ZsJ

Feeling sad about showing my Judaism this holiday season

After seeing the vile responses to quite a few Hanukkah well wishes posts on social media, I am nervous to share my Jewishness this season. We have my work holiday “ugly sweater” party tonight in our downtown area (large metro city in FL), and I don’t want to wear my ‘spinner spinner latke dinner’ sweater in fear of someone retaliating in public. It’s making me very depressed all around having to think like this.

THERE ARE BABIES UNDER FUCKING RUBBLE, like just the sheer scale of human suffering and devestation in Gaza is so imaginable, and you’re worried about a fucking SWEATER???? what the actual fuck?? I mean don’t get me wrong it really sucks that people feel scared to express their Jewishness and America absolutely is really antisemitic, but this is really pathetic.

[-] GucciMane@hexbear.net 19 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

”The Palestinian cause is not a cause for Palestinians only, but a cause for every revolutionary, wherever he is, as a cause of the exploited and oppressed masses in our era.” —Ghassan Kanafani, Palestinian revolutionary

Edit: meant to reply to the person you’re replying to, just want to echo the point that Palestinians absolutely accept others advancing their struggle :)

[-] GucciMane@hexbear.net 33 points 10 months ago

If hamas is in germany, does that mean hamas is hiding among the german public and using them as human shields? Does that mean we get to shoot, bomb, starve, kill, and torture germans in schools and hospitals and churches indiscriminately until hamas is eliminated?

[-] GucciMane@hexbear.net 30 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Dude, WHY would you post something like this on the clearweb. You still have time to delete this

[-] GucciMane@hexbear.net 25 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Well the PAVN did win the war, but Vietnam was forced to abandon revolutionary society and enter the capitalist dominated world economy of privatization, free trade, debt, commodity/labor export, and resource extraction, so American capitalism did win in the end even if they lost the war. Not to mention the billions made for defense contractors.

Vietnam is a part of 15 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). This is opening markets like South Korea where, more than seven years after implementing the VKFTA, Vietnam has become the third largest mango supply market for S. Korea, reaching 1.7 thousand tons. This is equal to US$7.4 million.

As a result of the EVFTA that is now in place, Vietnam has also become the largest source of cashew nuts for the EU. In the first 10 months of 2022, Vietnam exported 98.97 thousand tons of cashews to European markets, worth US$699 million. This represents an increase of 9.8 percent over the same period in 2021.

[…] There are, however, a number of government incentives supporting the agricultural sector, as well as FTAs, that, though a challenge in many ways, are also opening up foreign markets to Vietnamese agricultural products.

Src: https://www.vietnam-briefing.com/news/vietnam-agricultural-products.html/

While foreign companies are not allowed to directly own land in Vietnam (they must pay rent) it seems there’s a lot of foreign participation in the agricultural center (cited from the same article):

Three firms that have been relatively successful in the Vietnamese market are Cargill, Olam, and the Louis Dreyfus Company

Now as expected these “free trade” agreements and foreign corps contribute to the exploitation of workers, including children:

The last official survey to assess child labour in Vietnam was undertaken in 2018 with the Second National Child Labour Survey. The survey found that more than 1 million children aged between 5-17 were engaged in child labour and it is estimated that over 50 percent of those children were working in the agricultural, forestry, and fishery sectors

[…] As part of the assessment, we spoke to a range of people involved in the pepper harvest and visited the plantations first-hand. During this trip we met Y.D.A, an 11-year-old boy from an ethnic minority group who was working on the plantations with his parents and had never been to school. In many ways, Y.D.A. became a symbol of the unknown numbers of children in rural Vietnam who too were out of school due to poverty, working and making “invisible” contributions to an international company’s supply chain.

src: https://www.childrights-business.org/impact/child-labour-in-vietnam-s-agriculture-sector-the-story-of-one-boy-in-vietnam-the-fate-of-millions-of-children-worldwide.html

So yeah let’s stop pretending the world situation is still 1976, vietnam is a still imperialised country with a long way to go in the process of national soverignty, anti imperialism, workers’ rights, education, and socialism.

E; Just had a further thought that the Vietnamese victory in their wars of liberation is more comparable to the British leaving India than say, the establishment of USSR


I'm a CS student, I have some time before I graduate and have kind of dipped my toes in various things without specializing in anything. I would like to know what would be useful for the movement, so that I can use my skills to contribute.

And before people say "everything is useful"...well yeah but it's nice and fulfilling to have specific ideas I can work on learning/building myself.

Also where can I find leftist open source projects? I know lemmy and this website for one are open source but not sure of others.

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