Text of the article:

*Raytheon Technology Corp. (RTX) has been assessed a $200 million fine for violating export laws involving exchanging information on U.S. combat aircraft with prohibited countries. The laws are associated with the International Traffic in Arm Regulations. According to the U.S. State Department, RTX is guilty of improperly classifying and controlling exports of defense articles, including classified material.

Sensitive information on the F-22 Raptor, F-35 Lightning II, and B-2 Spirit bomber was mistakenly made available to Russia, China, and Iran.

According to a Reuters report, RTX voluntarily disclosed its errors. At a July 25 earnings call with investors, the company said it had earmarked $1 billion to resolve three separate legal issues that it said were primarily identified during the integration of firms Rockwell Collins and Raytheon/United Technologies into RTX in April 2020.

According to a U.S. State Department document released last week, one of the transgressions involved providing Chinese nationals in Shanghai with information that was more sensitive than RTX employees realized on “an aluminum display housing component of the F-22 Raptor Fighter Aircraft.”

On the earnings call, RTX told investors, "As part of the resolution of each of these three matters, we will be required to retain independent compliance monitors over the three-year term of the agreements." Half of the fine will be spent to fund a remedial compliance program.*

Own take:

First of all, hahahahaha!! This is what you get for being such a free market fundamentalist shithole that you leave war production in the hands of the private sector! Also China wins again by doing absolutely nothing lol

I think this punishment is extremely lenient considering this could be viewed as treason. It's barely .012% of their market cap, so it's like a speeding ticket for a normal person. Also it mentions they are having three other violations at the same time, so this is apparently a regular occurrence. In my opinion, this just goes to show how deep the US government is in the pocket of these companies.

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

First the ghost of Kiev, now a shell necromancer. What's next, are they sending warlocks to the front lines?

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 23 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Biden is politically paralysed, and so is everyone else who could reasonably become the president. Up until the early 2000s it was still possible for Western politicians to make and enforce major decisions, because back then they had strong public institutions which made that possible. This has changed with the dismantling and privatisation of the public sector. Even if Biden was a social democrat, it would be a fool's errand to try and retrieve the public services under capitalist law by compensation, such a thing is only possible by forcibly expropriating the entrenched cartels who currently own and exploit them for political leverage and profit. However, as long as heavy and chemical industry, rail, communication, research and education, culture, and mass media remain private businesses, they must abide by the rigid demands of the market so there is little room to wield them as tools of the state. Even if Biden earnestly desired such a thing, he currently cannot even accomplish prestige projects like California's high speed railway, let alone the necessary social and ecological turnaround of the country.

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 8 months ago


Just this year, our brilliant government decided to increase fossil fuels in the energy mix by 6% of the total due to quitting nuclear

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 9 months ago

There once was a simple-minded farmer tending to his coconut trees. He tied the little saplings to sticks, and day by day, he routinely came with the watering can and gave all of them the water they needed. Over the years, they grew tall and cast a long shadow across the lands, yet he still did not remove the sticks or stop watering them, nor did he collect the coconuts they would begin to bear, for he believed that by continuing to do so, the trees would grow taller still and bear even bigger fruit. One afternoon, when he rested beneath a tall and luscious palm, an overripe coconut fell on his head and killed him. By continuing to treat his palmtrees like little saplings when they clearly had stopped to be, not only did he lose his own life, but he died without tasting a single fruit of his labours.

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

For reference, this is the temperature inside a cup of tea. It is hotter than it gets in a washing machine

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 24 points 11 months ago

One of the hardest parts of living in 2023 is watching the American economy and Biden's cognitive functions race each other to the bottom, and not knowing for which one to root

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

She looks like an extra in the Enigma of Amigara fault, except her hole is a Nuremberg prison cell

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 1 year ago

Russian talking point

Mfs really think something can't be true just because it's biased

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 46 points 1 year ago

I can explain that! Podoliak is tormented by a neural affliction that is very common in the Western world, known to medical professionals as Redditis ugabuga, or in more common usage, "the Digital Disease".

This illness has both extraordinary rates and means of transmission, since it appears to spread via the visual centre of the brain perceiving digital signals from a screen. The disease vectors, so-called Nazions - vulgo Hitler particles - originate on websites, typically 4chan or Parler, and gather in the frontal lobe where they execute an SQL injection disabling the parts of the brain responsible for logic, critical thinking, and general conduct. They may also attempt to install a payload insisting that the patient's own nationality, ethnicity, ideology, religion, or language would be particularly close to Anglo-Saxon culture and therefore superior.

Symptoms involve frequent lapses in communication (both oral and written), poor judgement of oneself and others, social media addiction, putrid exudations, slouching posture, proneness to scams, and a diminishing social life. In advanced stages this may lead to a solitary life entirely devoid of meaning, pleasure, and joy.

As the disease becomes terminal, the spine of the patient increases its curvature to such a degree that their upper body folds forward by 180° (although some patients may insist it is 360°) such that the head then enters the rectum. At this point, anything that is fed to the patient has already gone through several rounds of premastication and digestion. In terms more apprehensible to the understanding of the anatomic layman, Podoliak "has their head up their ass", and "is full of their own shit".

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 46 points 1 year ago

Now hold your horses, Ukraine isn't completely isolated in the world just yet. I am sure he will come out next week with a well-pondered, nuanced, and diplomatic statement about Africans

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 1 year ago

The Bureau of Industry and Security versus the full weight of the Chinese government

How about Samsung, Apple, Google, Nokia, Ericsson, Comcast, AT&T, Telecom etc. versus Huawei in 2018? They could have had this "fair" fight instead, they specifically chose what is coming to them

[-] HaSch@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 1 year ago

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the irony of Victoria Nuland being "shocked" by a coup?

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