Tis the difference betwixt private and personal property, we don't want your toothbrush but your toothbrush factory however...
Hehe, new, yeah
Flat white is 2 espresso shots and equal parts steamed milk. A Latte is more steamed milk (idk the exact ratio if there is one), most places just fill up whatever latte cup they have which should be bigger than the flat white cup, and has a small amount of head/foam.
Yeah, but everything else is more annoying. 1+e^i(0.5τ)=0 just doesn't hit the same
The joke is just as inaccurate before being pointed out, he's an enjoyment ruiner
Technically it's the only kind of objective correct. Other subjective types also exist (such as morally).
I believe it refers to the desire to suddenly start running about in a senseless and thoughtless manner
Nah he's the patient
Turns out people are actually more productive if you don't force them to do it in order to live.
If they're using "communism" to control the people, then they're not really using communism
Ironically, Russia doesn't even follow communist ideals. They are communist in name only.
Based on a study that shows most people remember the world as at its best when they were 12, I would guess OP is 38-40 Y/O.