Nah mate, nothings even happened yet and they've stayed accusing half the galaxy of antisemitism
40 minutes in. We just need to hold on till the half, and for the first 10 minutes of the half. It's where we have always been vulnerable.
A plague on both their houses
Well whatdaya know
This isn't going to fix everything, but some changes at the rotten top is going to be better than nothing.
I need to digest this. Points you make are valid, but I wanted to thank you for taking the effort to give a detailed response.
Really need more studies in this area.
Ok, whilst we are here, I want to present a point of view and happy to discuss it.
David Cameron. Worst PM ever....
And yes I know, there is some stiff competition in that lineup but, he's the worst.
They changed their terms and conditions in September. That should allow you to cancel your connection earlier. Check your email, you may have had something from them.
Thanks for maintaining this list, love it