There are so many better ways he could have phrased that, but like most old, white men in his position this guy is probably a complete idiot who has rarely needed to think about the importance of language in sensitive discussions. People like that think this stuff is just a joke and they're either completely unaware or just don't care that many workers do actually feel trapped by their circumstances of employment.
I believe it was because he failed to return to Sweden to serve his Pirate Bay sentence and instead remained in Cambodia where he was living at the time. There was an international warrant out for his arrest and when he was deported back to Sweden he was judged at risk of flight or further "criminal activities". He was removed from solitary after a few months, so I'm not sure if he was put back there for his later, longer sentence of hacking.
EDIT: He was later held in solitary confinement in Denmark for at least 10 months while awaiting trial for hacking.
Personally I think interests are vastly overrated. Relationships are not about whether you enjoy what you do together, but whether you enjoy doing it together. Part of the magic of a long-term relationship is developing those unexpected shared interests over time rather than going in from day one with the attitude of "I want to date myself".
True, too many people treat phones like a status symbol or fast fashion instead of a tool that should be maintained and used for many years.
This was always dickhead behaviour, but not for the reasons you guys are circlejerking about. Often the answers to these questions are extremely easy to find online (even today, Google is nowhere near as useless as people make it out to be). But the entire point of asking other people through social media or a forum is because you want to engage in discussion with other humans. That's literally the entire point of these websites: to foster discussion, both for the sake of learning and for the social entertainment we all need. People who sign up to them and then completely shutdown attempts to start discussions are absolutely braindead and don't understand any of this. Modern forms of social media only encourage this kind of performative social interaction. So many people seem to think the sole purpose of discussion-based social media is to dunk on others with a vicious reply and "win" by earning more points (ratio) instead of having an actual back and forth discussion with another human.
The funny bit to me is how obvious they are about restructuring their business model. Netflix clearly wants a greater proportion of their revenue to come from advertisers, so they're charging exorbitant prices for the 4K and, in particular, standard plan while keeping the "ad-supported" plan fairly low. They were probably seeing waves of short-term subscribers in response to big releases and are trying to bait those people into staying subscribed permanently while also milking then through advertisements. I wouldn't be surprised if the standard plan is removed at some point because it's such bad value now.
It is neither, their AI search features only optional at this stage. It is one of the most private implementations of AI that I've seen though.
Obviously Wikipedia is not a definitive or 100% accurate source but this sounds like a genuinely positive use of AI to combat misinformation. The people it really needs to reach likely won't use it but it's still a good idea.
What a wonderful headline to wake up to!
They closed due to upkeep costs.
EDIT: Here's the full message:
Hello guys, We would like to inform you that we have decided to shut down our site. The past 2 years have been very difficult for us - some of the people in our team died due to covid complications, others still suffer the side effects of it - not being able to work at all. Some are also fighting the war in Europe - ON BOTH SIDES. Also, the power price increase in data centers in Europe hit us pretty hard. Inflation makes our daily expenses impossible to bare. Therefore we can no longer run this site without massive expenses that we can no longer cover out of pocket. After an unanimous vote we've decided that we can no longer do it. We are sorry :( Bye
I was born a cracker.
Person in a privacy community using YouTube and multiple Google accounts thinks the only way they are being tracked is through phone can't make this shit up.