Wow, i hate to admit it but i really missed this, it is awesome thanks so much.
Na i double checked, its done with 3d software and photoshop.
So, it looks like the blood (tomato juice) was meant for the actress about to be chainsawed by the clown, but it ended up on the exec instead.
Alternative gallery link that doesnt require an instagram account:
Yeah its called chromatic abberation, and its a cool way to give an image that made with a camera feeling.
Thanks for the compliment, as an artist myself i try to expose myself to as many different styles as possible. It's amazing what one finds you venture out of your comfort zone, and while sharing some of these is a gamble since background perfection is what most people seek, i know there are people like yourself that will still see the beauty in them.
Well spotted, Algen is indeed one of the MtG artists, check out the gallery link for more from the series.
Sadly not, i did have a look through the gallery, but it seems he only ever published this one at this size. :(
You know, i kinda wish i had a bot to choose the art, find the artists real name, and do the markup text for the description, since those are all a pain to do. Sadly though, its just me doing all the posts manually.
The community is new, and the posting requirements are pretty strict, so its mostly just me (who made this place) posting, hopefully as time goes on there will be more interaction from the community, but until then we can all just enjoy the art.
This looks so much like a painting at first glance i almost posted it to Digital Art, but it turns out its a photo so i thought i would share it here.
Oh yeah! Well spotted, gonna have to look this over a third time now to see what else i missed.
Edit: So now ive noticed the Etch-a-sketch, and theres also a telly tubby on one of the screens.