Does that cat have a very distinct odor?
...and evidently you all hate grammar.
Is there a fediverse group for FRIENDS OF DESOTO?
Hahaha. Whoa! So different. Mine is All stand up comedians and military training things and toolmakers DIY stuff.
I click on the piped bot links EVERY time. I want them to work. This did not load whereas the YouTube link "just works"
Came here to say this. Gotta be Ollie's
There seems to be a commercial forced air duct system exposed in the ceiling in the background... I'm not used to that type of ductwork being in houses like that.
Can't find the YouTube link I'm looking for with the "guy with deep voice" but it's close enough to this link... REMINDS ME OF TOILET SEAT DUET...
That was surprisingly interesting. I did not know those wiki rules
Yep yep yep! You're doin great. Keep it up hu-man
I agree! this isn't actually my cat, I don't know if u'll find that comforting: that it's just a meme I ripped from a friend, or worse, in that I too am powerless to help the poor chonkers. I have a tuxedo cat.
That explains why they were so confused: Even their uncles were ants!